QUESTION Hello! I would like to know your opinion on the following situation. I seem to have no inner contradictions: I love my wife and I easily tolerate other people’s flaws as I know I have ones myself. But sometimes a great degree of hate comes out of a feeling of harmony to a specific person if s/he doesn’t understand me or treats me wrong. I am all outrage itself. It bothers me really much, as I wasn’t like this before, and I know I am not it now, and I don’t want to be like this. Besides, after I had met my lovely wife, she started being sick more often and recovers from illness more slowly… It all bothers me so much.
ANSWER OF TAYANA You spend lots of your energy on resistance. The …
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QUESTION How is to find the real love? Help me!!!
ANSWER OF TAYANA In order to find the real love, it is necessary to be real. Relying on the ideals and requirements concerning other people, you consider that only you are worthy something perfect. And it appears that all around is imperfect, artificial. How are you going to look for this « real love »? Probably, with a help of another’s prompting. But love cannot be given any definition. You will never succeed in describing the exact attributes of this phenomenon, or specifying the direction of search and coordinates of the necessary object. Each definition will be subjective. Something that is important and dear for one can be boring and p…
QUESTION Love is over now; there are only emptiness and frustration. Does it always come for a short time? How to live in this emptiness, what for? Where can strength for a new feeling be found, when there is no belief in a happy ending?
ANSWER OF TAYANA You cannot control love. It is an independent thing. Love comes when you are ready for such experience. It is Her Majesty Teacher. Accept it with joy even when it makes you suffer. It will only do you good in all ways. There is so little love on Earth. Don’t miss your chance.
Human history knows moments when the Divine manifests itself for us, who are praying Him for love, and He gives us love, It gives Itself to us. But as you don’t…
QUESTION What should I do? To divorced from husband or not? I was bothered with his projects.
ANSWER OF TAYANA Do something, and having made action, be able to answer for it. The problem is not in someone another you are the problem. In any case there won’t be any special changes in the life of your husband. He is the child his time. And this time supports design activity. Even modern progressive representatives of an education system try to pay all possible attention to this theme.
That’s why he has an aspiration to development of abilities in the given direction. His position does not allow him to study education on the basis of any establishment; he tries to save time and uses opp…
I often asked how I refer to the activity of some parapsychologists, psychics, to books world known, and to unknown wise men known. This question demands a concrete estimation. Good estimation is possible owing to professional examination. But who is this expert? Who is this judge? The Founder. And I am a witness. I can only testify that all this exists is fixed in memory of Soul Space. And it is necessary for someone from us during this or that time. And the reaction to the same object can be different, as well as we are different.
Positive experience of mankind is creation, accumulation, preservation and transfer of popular wisdom which has the shape of legends, myths, fairy tales, para…
QUESTION Hello! I had a problem! I feel, that I can not (and without help and I will not be able) to realize myself! Many people say that I have great potential. And it is true, I can do many things, I open in myself new abilities easily and without any efforts. But I feel need for greater. It seems to me, that I become like many other: atheist, cynic, pragmatist… I can not recollect, how it was, but I was always accompanied with sensation of magic and abilities to it. As if I was given force which I do not know how to use, and the need to open it is very big. And there is a sensation, that if I am not open it now, the soul “will become hardened” and the force will leave. I am 15 years; pe…
QUESTION When I turn to my spiritual inner world, everything is changing and is getting messed up in the outer world: I have no work, some money that I had before – disappears, friends and parents give me no peace, and everyone (including myself) gets anxious.
Why is it that I have been dreaming about just as little as a separate room for my meditations for two years already, and some minimum amount of money – just enough to be on my own for the most part of the day, but this doesn’t happen, despite all my efforts?
Why is it when I am doing things in the real world, they take so much effort, but give a little payback, and the worst thing is that I lose my connection with the spiritual wo…
QUESTION Hello! Wonderful website! Thanks you!
You are a Teacher…Can the pupil choose the Teacher? Thanks!
ANSWER OF TAYANA Thank you for your response and participation. When there is an event main thing is that it developed correctly. External estimations are minor and hence have no value. You have a right to your point of view and I in turn shall try to answer your question.
The pupil is a high status in a spiritual practice of an aspiring person. It is preceded with the preparatory period. And it is different in its duration. The important stage is the moment of dedication in pupils.
The pupil can choose the spiritual instructor if he knows how to search him. But last word …
QUESTION Whether it is necessary to tell people the truth on a question asked by them if the answer will not be pleasant? How is it better to do, not having offended them?
ANSWER OF TAYANA The world of people possesses such quality, as arrogance. Sometimes it entails excessive self-confidence as a result of dullness and ignorance. For this reason the person prefers to hear what is more pleasant what cannot deliver special efforts and problems. The desire to live in illusion frequently is more preferable than the truth. Therefore more often the truth is persecuted by the initiators of the created situation, it is objectionable. The nature of insult is hidden in the one who dares to take offe…
QUESTION How to be yourself?
ANSWER OF TAYANA Everything is not so easy. What is simple for one, is stumbling-block for another.
Always start with what you really feel.
Neither deceive yourself. You are to solve the conflict who you are and what kind of a person you should be.
The main thing what you really are. Feel consciousness as your own. To understand yourself one needs seclusion. Dive deep in the pain of solitariness and uselessness. The duration of seclusion is always individual. Do not confuse seclusion with loneless as the sense of life.
Learn to see the Truth.
Only being in a passive, but vigilant state one may discover himself.Study and learn all the charac…