Раздел: Appeals


Здравствуйте, дорогой мой Друг!

Спасибо за то, что не забываете. Время от времени перечитываю письма. Они полны оптимизма, жизни и чуткости к окружающему миру. Это своего рода проявление готовности в любой момент принять вызов Высшей Воли и беспрекословно исполнить любое Повеление Божественного Плана. Такова участь всех представители доброй воли. Их преданные сердца бьются в унисон с сердцем Вселенной. Их отдельная воля сливается в Единую Волю путем знания и свободного выбора. У них одно желание – в ходе эволюции своей души они познают главный Закон, признав Его справедливость, со временем сами становятся этим Законом. Так происходит трансформация, и следующая за ней – интеграция.



Sometimes we do not place on site(www.sunhome.ru) some verses Authors are revolted: ” How is it?! I told what I wanted to tell. I have the right “.

Unfortunately, these are people who have no concept about freedom. They automatically angrily react to those things which mismatch to principles which grown them up.

And their principles are very convenient; in fact it is not necessary to bear the responsibility for what is told.

The same can be transferred differently. It is possible to replace a word with a synonym, and the majority of people will not notice, that they were cheated. Mind of some poets, writers, scientists, teachers is capable for some cunning……


More than a year back I asked Tayana Oniya a question.
The answer came in a week. In the answer there was something. Words were clear and simple in its own way, but there was some inaccessibility. Later, after a while I began to realize the volume of the answer. Everything that was familiar to me dissipated gradually, and there appeared a new vision of a situation.
You can’t say nequivocally: more likely in a year I lost the confidence in my absolute correctness and in belief, that I know everything. And I got more understanding of that there are people who has something what I, probably, shall receive someday (and maybe I shall never receive).
What did I personally get from the answer?

Инструкции по технике безопасности

Вы верите в чудеса? Если нет, то вы ошиблись адресом. Поспешите изменить свой курс, иначе будете ввергнуты в водоворот страстей своего внутреннего плана, где неминуемы сложные проблемы, переживания и отсутствие дороги назад (в прошлое). 


Force of creativity

Force of creativity…

It exists or it doesn’t exist. If it is, it is unrestrained power.

And in this case the main thing is that there was a skilful driver……

An interview

The sun shines not because somebody needs it. Light is its essence.
Organizing a charitable display exhibition of paintings of artists of “Reality”, we did not put any odd purpose. We did what corresponds to our display. It is pleasure of life, love to human.

Both artists and spectators are individualities. The exhibition helps them to unite, it conducts them to search.

There is a parable saying about two persons who lived in one wood. One was blind, and another was lame. In a wood a great fire started. There was a threat of death. Blind did not know where to run, lame could not run. Owing to each other they rescued. Lame got on blind’s man shoulders, blind ran. They became a single w…