More than a year back I asked Tayana Oniya a question.
The answer came in a week. In the answer there was something. Words were clear and simple in its own way, but there was some inaccessibility. Later, after a while I began to realize the volume of the answer. Everything that was familiar to me dissipated gradually, and there appeared a new vision of a situation.
You can’t say nequivocally: more likely in a year I lost the confidence in my absolute correctness and in belief, that I know everything. And I got more understanding of that there are people who has something what I, probably, shall receive someday (and maybe I shall never receive).
What did I personally get from the answer?
My confidence of full clearness of the answer dissipated when I contacted with different events, and I, receiving volumetric perception, saw such deep understanding of Tayana’s theme that felt awkwardly when I began to understand my short-sightedness. My confidence flew with each new portion of experience.

The main thing is that you did not lose the dynamics in movement and in desire to go further. There was cleanliness in perception of the reality, moderation in desires of earth good and patience before difficulties of vital tests. You are a good pupil at school of life also have chances to become a Teacher. The real teacher is always demanded. You exposed self-conceit, hence, there is an opportunity to overcome arrogance which is a serious obstacle in spiritual promotion.
” Give manual only to those who searches knowledge, having found out his ignorance. Assist only to those who can distinctly state his treasured thoughts. Train only those who are capable, having learned about one corner of a square to imagine other three “. I respect wise men and teachers of antiquity, I admire them and I divide with Konfucii the idea of strategy and tactics, expressed in the lines above.

Participation in your destiny is a natural condition for me. It is my life, my work. To see you happy is the finest thing in human shape. And it is very difficult to find it. And light grief is only acknowledgement of that you have already expirienced the happiness. It means, in the future cooperation with the maximum energy is possible. And at true interaction the consciousness will receive expansion and an output on a new level of perception of the reality.

For the people leading a worldly way of life, but aspiring to comprehension of the destiny and laws to which it submits, such direction, as karma-yoga is good. If to speak about steps of its passage, it stipulates religious practices (sacrifices to gods (fire), ancestors, knowledge, people, animals), promoting struggle against ignorance, laziness, negligence, sluggishness, obstinacy and levity. Correct regular meditations led to the fact that all life turns to be meditation. It gives correct understanding of sense of duty.

The duty is not any more perceived as work for the sake of money, power and glory, satisfaction of personal desires, but as execution of Divine Will. And this notorious expression of human acts should become a prerogative of today. It is not important, whose technique is this, where also by whom it is applied. The trouble is that the person, refusing the duty in relation to the maximum forces, stopped to understand and execute the duties concerning people surrounding him. People for each other don’t have any value. It is a real tragedy.

It happens. In life, it is like in a fairy tale. The ball could lead you whatever if you correctly pull for thread.

I hope that you will try to apply the achievements on advantage of all alive essences reasonably and also that you will bring the feasible contribution to the spiritual development.

19 July 2006, Просмотров: 51