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Деяния Дхармы

 Жила-была одна маленькая девочка. Однажды ее родители спросили о том, какое имя она хотела бы дать своему братишке, который скоро должен был появиться в семье. Она назвала имя Виктор. Но в те времена модным было другое имя, и мальчика назвали иначе. Реакция малышки оказалась бурной. В качестве протеста поздним вечером она уходила из дома и пряталась в саду, в самом отдаленном и укромном его уголке, заставляя тем самым отца и мать учитывать ее присутствие и мнение. Отношения между братом и сестрой складывались успешно. Она стала для него образцом красоты, величия и женственности. А в самые тяжелые моменты его жизни помогала брату своим присутствием обрести победу над собой, помочь выполнит…

Проблемы веры

 Была ли вера? Разве можно потерять то, чего нет? Болью души вы называете пустоту, отсутствие веры. Эта пустота звенит в вас, бьет, как в набат, в стены ваших мыслей и не дает покоя. Эти ограничения вы создали себе сами. Общие стереотипы, общественное мнение кажутся вам авторитетными. А вещи не такие, какими кажутся на первый взгляд. К тому же всему, что смертно, свойственно изменяться. Не вина человека, на которого вы рассчитывали, в том, что он покинул вас; причины тому могут быть разными. В чем заключается для вас смысл веры? Вера в людей, в судьбу, в себя, в случай, в любовь? Человеку свойственно верить в то, что ему известно, знакомо.

На смену одной вере приходит другая. Но…

To find yourself

QUESTION When the personality is dissolved, and you have not found yourself yet – what is to do?

ANSWER OF TAYANA Your question has a theoretical orientation.

It has not occurred to you yet, hence, the question at the moment is incorrect.

The only thing that it is possible to develop in society is the personality. Formation and development of the personality is a priority direction in modern education. Another question is how it is realized. But the main objective is chosen correctly. To survive in the modern world of competition, it is necessary for usual person to work, develop many personal qualities and to bring it to perfection. These achievements are of the third body. These…

Psychology of an act

QUESTION Tell, please, what acts are not peculiar for the person, decided to be in the world, but at the same time not from the world? Thanks.
ANSWER OF TAYANA The world is as the representing (seeing) person is. Living in the world, but not from the world is really free person. His actions do not depend on laws of the world. He is realized and operates in conformity with his nature. When the person learnt himself, defined his predestination there is no question ” What to do? “. He simply knows it and does it. There are no doubts they do not arise in this case. And when there is no internal resistance than all occurs easily and free as if an invisible mighty force leads you carefully taken …

A touch

QUESTION Thank you, today I for the first time came on your site, reading such useful advice, revelations… I am very lonely. I also want to touch a body of the partner, but I always want to touch men. What am I to do?

ANSWER OF TAYANA Touch to another’s body is interesting case, but it is also responsible. You should have the sanction to do it from another person. Otherwise there is an attempt at freedom of other system.

But such sanction can be received. Devote some time to studying of techniques of massage of the physical body or hairdresser’s business. In this case the freedom of choice both for the client and for the expert will not suffer. And you will constantly have contact …

Sex. Feeling of fault

QUESTION Tayana, help me, please! I do not know how to begin… I with my husband have been living for 15 years. We lived friendly and cheerfully. We worked together, brought up children together. We were almost as a single whole. And now a strange period began which is expressed with the fact that I lost interest to my husband as the sexual partner. In former years it was not also at the first place for me, it was just as a part of our joint life. And now I do it hardly. The most thing, that I hurt close person because he loves me. But sexual life is that area where to force yourself to do something is practically impossible. The most important is that in other spheres of our life – work, e…

Magic of love

QUESTION In perfect, in my opinion, nothing should seize mind and soul of the person: nevertheless the attachment is dangerous thing. And what is about love? Or how should I name what I feel? If each section of my body wants to go to him, there is no day without wearsome feelings of my heart? Sometimes I want just escape from him. I am really afraid. Besides my attitude to him is too serious, and it is also not very good. As if I encroach on him though I understand, that it is impossible. I am afraid of this feeling. Because I feel so good with him, as with nobody else. And if he disappears from my life… Certainly, I shall accept it. But I do not want to accept it for the second time. I kn…

Force to love

QUESTION Whether it is possible to give the person the idea, that it is necessary for him to grow fond of you?
ANSWER OF TAYANA It is an obsession to allow someone to feel the necessity to grow fond of you. You cannot know, what another person wants what is more important for him, – in fact you even cannot tell such information about yourselves. And, aspiring to take a predominating position, try to emphasize your importance and to increase the degree of your ego. Here there is your aspiration to become famous in the world of people. The person aspires to glory, using any improvised material: money, attention of people and authority above them. Influence on another’s choice is one of opport…

Real love

QUESTION How is to find the real love? Help me!!!
ANSWER OF TAYANA In order to find the real love, it is necessary to be real. Relying on the ideals and requirements concerning other people, you consider that only you are worthy something perfect. And it appears that all around is imperfect, artificial. How are you going to look for this « real love »? Probably, with a help of another’s prompting. But love cannot be given any definition. You will never succeed in describing the exact attributes of this phenomenon, or specifying the direction of search and coordinates of the necessary object. Each definition will be subjective. Something that is important and dear for one can be boring and p…

River to life

QUESTION How is to understand, whether relations collapsed or there is an opportunity to adjust them? Whether it is possible to step for the second time in the river if understood your mistakes?

ANSWER OF TAYANA Nothing does not repeat in a life as the life itself. The life is a movement.

Breath is thin display of a life on the physical plan. While the person breathes, he has an opportunity to be in a physical body.
This body is subject to influence of three main positions: birth, ageing and death. Changes occur each moment.

Actions of mind are also movement. The person can move not only by means of a physical body, but mentally also. Mentally he makes travel to the past …

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