QUESTION Thank you, today I for the first time came on your site, reading such useful advice, revelations… I am very lonely. I also want to touch a body of the partner, but I always want to touch men. What am I to do?

ANSWER OF TAYANA Touch to another’s body is interesting case, but it is also responsible. You should have the sanction to do it from another person. Otherwise there is an attempt at freedom of other system.

But such sanction can be received. Devote some time to studying of techniques of massage of the physical body or hairdresser’s business. In this case the freedom of choice both for the client and for the expert will not suffer. And you will constantly have contact with a body; probably, not with one. Your authority will depend on your professionalism. And if you do this work with love, instead of with thirst of desire that the presence of objects promises to be rich and various. But to receive more than you are it is impossible. Similar draws similar. Do not lose your way in the jungle of your imaginations. Remember about human limitation.

You are poorly guided in the around world, you know yourself badly; you are associated only with a body of a male. Making attempt of studying and perfection of yourself, search the suitable sample for the reception of experience or for elementary copying of behavior (in case of absence of creative aspect). When man’s energy prevails in person, it has one expression. If you have a greater degree of female energy and the behavior will be the same. In the first case you will accept the role of the masseur, and in the second – the patient.

Which way will you choice? Man’s or female? Each of them has its distinctive features.

Here, for example, what is possible to tell about the female direction.

Once, collecting a handout, Buddha came to the house of the rich admirer of Anatgapindiki and heard shouts and dispute in his house. Buddha asked:
– Why people in your house are so noisy? It is possible to think, that fishermen were stolen with their fish.
The owner of the house told his grief to Buddha. He said that daughter-in-law from very rich family entered into their house and she does not want to listen neither the husband, nor the parents and refuses to render appropriate reverence to Buddha.
Buddha called daughter-in-law:
– Come here, Sudgata.
She answered:
– I go, the lord, – and she came to Buddha.
He told her:
– There are seven wives, Sudgata. What are these seven wives? One is like the murderer; the second is like thief; the third is like mistress; the fourth is like mother, the fifth is like sister; the sixth is like friend; the seventh is like servant. Here, Sudgata, there are seven distinctions between wives whom husband can have. To which of them do you belong?
And Sudgata, having forgotten all her obstinacy and arrogance, answered modestly:
– I do not understand, the lord, the true sense, that Great informed me in brief.
– Listen, Sudgata, and keep all in your heart.
And Buddha described to her seven various wives, beginning with the worst who gave in to another, hates the husband and ill-intended against his life, and finishing with the best which is like the servant – always carries out the will of the husband and resignedly listen to everything, what he speaks and does.
– These are, Sudgata, seven distinctions between wives. Which of them do you resemble?
– From this day, the lord, you can consider me as the wife who, is like the servant, always does the will of the husband and resignedly listen to everything, what he does.

01 January 2006, Просмотров: 391