QUESTION In perfect, in my opinion, nothing should seize mind and soul of the person: nevertheless the attachment is dangerous thing. And what is about love? Or how should I name what I feel? If each section of my body wants to go to him, there is no day without wearsome feelings of my heart? Sometimes I want just escape from him. I am really afraid. Besides my attitude to him is too serious, and it is also not very good. As if I encroach on him though I understand, that it is impossible. I am afraid of this feeling. Because I feel so good with him, as with nobody else. And if he disappears from my life… Certainly, I shall accept it. But I do not want to accept it for the second time. I know, from love do not run. I have written too much, and to tell it would be desirable absolutely another. I really LOVE. And I do not doubt it absolutely. But the more I think about something, the less the probability of realization. I cannot release these thoughts. And the most interesting is that he does not attract me physically so much… as I just want, that he was the part of my life. It is difficult for me to do any further steps. Usually everything is OK for reason that I manipulate. No, not in absolutely negative sense. But to manipulate the person you love, somehow it is impossible.

People say, there is one thing. Sending to the person the certain emotions, you receive the same in the answer. But I know by myself when somebody looks at me with mute adoration, it does not always causes in me the same. More often the person bothers with the persistence, you just want to get rid of him, he is as a splinter. Now I try to control myself: I am not imposed, I do not run after him. However, in my opinion, I go too far. Please, tell me something, I just feel, that I can not preserve myself in this feeling any more.

ANSWER OF TAYANA Attachment is a choice of some person as the main object of your life. Sometimes you by yourself try to become such an object for another. In this there are your ideas about manipulation. Both at one and in other case there is a mutual consent. Everyone has for itself (himself) any benefit. Probably, both participants of the process consider that they dominate over the ways of love. But this is a deep error. The love visits only those who is worthy for it. The love shines with sacred fire on our way, clears and lights us up. The love makes us sacred. It is only in its power. Owing to this the Universe becomes richer.

It only seems to you, that you manipulate. It is not so. Display of “mute adoration “, “persistence” from another person according to you means only the expression of the representation about love which is accessible to him at that moment. And if your representations do not coincide, it does not mean, that someone of you is better. There is just a natural selection of those who is available to receive a special sort of experience, to open new, unexplored sides of your essence.

While you try to understand love at a level of mind as you have symbols and conclusions concerning love. Cunning, not real restraint and sedateness with the purpose to seem more correct, according to general standards, do not give you an opportunity to express yourself. Here arises the problem of “preservation”. And what do you try ” to detain from disintegration and rotting “? Your feelings, emotions, desires? You can suppress them, hide, but as a result you will not solve the question exciting you.

You destroy yourselves. Jesus was also crucified for the sake of mind. The mankind requires the experience of love because to one it gives the opportunity to go through sufferings, another – a condition of happiness, the third – to reach self-renunciation. These are the properties of fire. Everyone can experience heat, heat, incandescence of feelings; clarification and completion by fire, fusible, rising flame, enlightenment, and transformation. The fire of love transforms your ego.

Love is a creative process in which all your essence is involved, but not only one imaginations of mind. In love you reject all personal, experience the death of your “I”. But your original nature remains. And, if you were visited with love, follow it: it will show you the way to herself, to the Supreme in you.

10 December 2005, Просмотров: 127