QUESTION Whether it is possible to give the person the idea, that it is necessary for him to grow fond of you?

ANSWER OF TAYANA It is an obsession to allow someone to feel the necessity to grow fond of you. You cannot know, what another person wants what is more important for him, – in fact you even cannot tell such information about yourselves. And, aspiring to take a predominating position, try to emphasize your importance and to increase the degree of your ego. Here there is your aspiration to become famous in the world of people. The person aspires to glory, using any improvised material: money, attention of people and authority above them. Influence on another’s choice is one of opportunities of such dictatorship.

Without having the representation about a subject of your reasoning, you try to learn another person violently. You cannot be the leader in love. And the violence as your characteristic feature does not allow you to be loved. And that’s why there is an aspiration « to let to know ». Love and egoism are incompatible things, as light and darkness. Love deprives us of egoism.

And even when you realize this, your aspiration to help another person will not reach the desirable result.

One reigning person declared, that irrespective of the fact if people try to help person or not, something inside the person can resist this help. But there were people who objected to this theory, and the tsar promised to show something confirming his words.

And so, when nobody thought about it, he ordered one person to put a bag with gold in the middle of the bridge. And he asked another person to lead through the bridge any unfortunate debtor.

The tsar stood on one end of the bridge, waiting for the debtor who should come to him from the opposite side. And when this person has come at last, has asked him:

– What did you see in the middle of the bridge?

– Nothing! – answered the person with surprise.

– How is it? Why? – asked the witnesses.

– You see when I have stepped on the bridge I thought: whether I can pass it blindly? It would be amusing, if I had managed to do it! And imaging I did it.

08 December 2005, Просмотров: 47