QUESTION How is to understand, whether relations collapsed or there is an opportunity to adjust them? Whether it is possible to step for the second time in the river if understood your mistakes?

ANSWER OF TAYANA Nothing does not repeat in a life as the life itself. The life is a movement.

Breath is thin display of a life on the physical plan. While the person breathes, he has an opportunity to be in a physical body.
This body is subject to influence of three main positions: birth, ageing and death. Changes occur each moment.

Actions of mind are also movement. The person can move not only by means of a physical body, but mentally also. Mentally he makes travel to the past and future. So there is a necessity of existence of such planetary unit of measure as time. Sand, water, solar and moonlight are conditional means for definition of a necessary period of a vital way. But for each separately taken individual such piece can have different sizes. Intensity of living is various. Thus there is an opportunity of understanding that time tends to be stretched and be narrowed.

Human attitudes are an integral part of life. We vary from the moment of our birth our attitudes with world around, as well as the world itself, – together and separately – are in dynamics. It is possible to find similar subjects, but all of them will have some distinction.

The word “collapsed” is used, probably, for underlining an acuteness of the moment, but not for full denying. It is difficult to describe lightning internal changes. Someone even doesn’t have time to feel it. And if the person sleeps, no matter what brightness had the flash he will not see it. Namely experiences at a level of feelings should be primary for human. To usual people understanding comes much later. For the proof they need concrete, already happened events.

Attitudes can be renewed, if there is a necessity in it and the mutual consent, but these attitudes will have other internal response. The past and future do not exist. The past is your memory. The future is a dream. The past will be a part of background of your present, as the present concerning the future.

This day will not repeat twice.
The moment is more expensive than treasures.
This day will not come any more.
Each minute is invaluable treasure.

The understanding you of the mistakes of the past changes your consciousness, does you more receptive. You enter the river, you are already another, you are a part of the river, and thus river changes in its turn.

An emperor asked one painter to write the Himalayas on walls of his palace. The artist was the Master Dzen; he told that it is necessary for him to live in the Himalayas for three years. Emperor asked:

Will it take you three years?
The painter answered:
– I ask a minimum of time because I cannot write them till I am a part of the Himalayas; I need to go there and to dissolve in them.
After three years he returned and painted walls in three days. Emperor came to look at them. It was a miracle! He has never seen such beautiful mountains. Even the real Himalayas looked more faintly in comparison with them. He stood and admired for a long time, and then he noticed something:
– Here I see a path where does it lead?
The artist answered:
– We can go and look.
They went and never returned.

22 November 2005, Просмотров: 147