QUESTION How to be yourself?

ANSWER OF TAYANA Everything is not so easy. What is simple for one, is stumbling-block for another.

Always start with what you really feel.

Neither deceive yourself. You are to solve the conflict who you are and what kind of a person you should be.
The main thing what you really are. Feel consciousness as your own. To understand yourself one needs seclusion. Dive deep in the pain of solitariness and uselessness. The duration of seclusion is always individual. Do not confuse seclusion with loneless as the sense of life. 

Learn to see the Truth.

Only being in a passive, but vigilant state one may discover himself.Study and learn all the characters around, direct your consciousness to Nature and then to pure existence.

Infinity study the question “Who am I?” This discovery is above Time!

Realize your inconstancy. The lever from identification with anything (body, mind, intellect, etc). Then you may say definitely: “I love yourself simply and sincerely”.

Love demands expression. Grow warmness in your heart, carrying and nursing people around you.

Here we are close to the techniques “Lose yourself in others”. Many of those, whose fantasies and ideals didn’t come true, are not ready to accept it.

Successful implementation of these techniques helps to make love real, namely to completely root out ego. Will you call it Tantra? Le it be so. The definition is right.

Pseudotantrists are based on the techniques. A techniques exists, what means ego, as well as dictatorship of personality. You may follow it, but it’s only a curve, no right way.

A person is represented by a triangle. He includes three different plains: knowledge, perception, and action. When integrated, Tantra realization is possible.

Tantra is a process of broadering one’s mind. In spontaneous relationship your consciousness grows passive and clear. Unconsciousness disappears. You realize, what is going on, for you are absolutely conscious.

Yes, it happens so… But my sincerity is no guarantees and is no universal panacea.
Fear may retard, though. Its cause is mind interference, inspiring greediness, egoism and compulsory, it is totally up to you. Never strive to be lucky, doing your utmost, feeling your pettiness, showing out complacence, proud or brutality.

10 August 2005, Просмотров: 359