QUESTION Whether it is necessary to tell people the truth on a question asked by them if the answer will not be pleasant? How is it better to do, not having offended them?

ANSWER OF TAYANA The world of people possesses such quality, as arrogance. Sometimes it entails excessive self-confidence as a result of dullness and ignorance. For this reason the person prefers to hear what is more pleasant what cannot deliver special efforts and problems. The desire to live in illusion frequently is more preferable than the truth. Therefore more often the truth is persecuted by the initiators of the created situation, it is objectionable. The nature of insult is hidden in the one who dares to take offence. More often the insult is born from a seeming discrepancy between a self-estimation and another’s estimation or opinion. The person is dissatisfied with judgments in the address. The discontent can be expressed in the form of the latent anger directed to the side or to address of other person.

But also both parties are guilty of the conflict. If you are h3 and impregnable, sure in your correctness, there is nothing to deliberate. Probably, as a result there will be a profit. Your self-confidence will not confuse you, and there will be no regrets. It is not excluded, that you will lose the friend. Losses conduct behind themselves finds, emptiness is always filled. The main thing is that your good doings have not done much harm to your health, in fact mirrors sometimes break.

Try to study to orientate yourself in space. Conformity of a place, time and readiness of object for perception gives the results. But sometimes in the solution of a question silence becomes the best medicine for both. A word is silver, and silence is gold. With the help of this I do not aspire to call you for silence or, on the contrary, to conduct disputes and, as a result – wars. It is necessary to adhere to a golden mean in everything. Only, to learn to find it, it is necessary to study extreme measures.

15 August 2005, Просмотров: 152