QUESTION Hello! Wonderful website! Thanks you!
You are a Teacher…Can the pupil choose the Teacher? Thanks!

ANSWER OF TAYANA Thank you for your response and participation. When there is an event main thing is that it developed correctly. External estimations are minor and hence have no value. You have a right to your point of view and I in turn shall try to answer your question.

The pupil is a high status in a spiritual practice of an aspiring person. It is preceded with the preparatory period. And it is different in its duration. The important stage is the moment of dedication in pupils.

The pupil can choose the spiritual instructor if he knows how to search him. But last word in the decision is after the Teacher. He takes into account the nature of the pupil, his potential, compatibility and also the purposes and problems of the school he represents. In case of occurrence of great infringements from the pupil the Teacher terminates the contract and stops process of training.

When the pupil reaches the necessary level he can be directed to another Teacher who probably will conduct work at a narrower plan developing concrete qualities, the abilities necessary for the further transition (as it is in H.K.Andersen’s fairy tale « Snow Queen »). But the fairy tale is told quickly, but the work is not done quickly.

The spiritual instructor is like a doctor, who knows how to cure the patient. The pupil can have a lot of questions. But only the friend-instructor knows when and what is necessary for the pupil to understand.

The further outcome of events mainly depends on the behavior of the pupil. Any obstacles are possible here. One is content with superficial perception leaning on what he saw, another – on another’s opinion which he heard directed to the address of the teacher. The third judges the instructor by his words or their absence. Such people long are not late in a field of learning.
The pupil always has a choice. It is not important not only to make the choose, but also to be in this rank.

16 August 2005, Просмотров: 394