I often asked how I refer to the activity of some parapsychologists, psychics, to books world known, and to unknown wise men known. This question demands a concrete estimation. Good estimation is possible owing to professional examination. But who is this expert? Who is this judge? The Founder. And I am a witness. I can only testify that all this exists is fixed in memory of Soul Space. And it is necessary for someone from us during this or that time. And the reaction to the same object can be different, as well as we are different.

Positive experience of mankind is creation, accumulation, preservation and transfer of popular wisdom which has the shape of legends, myths, fairy tales, parables, sayings. Correct interaction with them helps in the work above development of consciousness, in recognition of Truth.

Fairy tales, parables, proverbs exist in multivariate space. For the person the perception and understanding of the same texts during the different periods of time occurs by different principles. All has its time. It happens that the reader does not have sufficient experience for realization of deep penetration into the world of wisdom. Bad orientation in space, inopportuneness, haste in the decision of this question conduct to ignorance, dullness and other negative displays. Someone decides, that he can distribute another’s, and someone -be an expert in any area, not knowing life. So the lie is born which the child of defect and permissiveness. As a result all are glad and in affection admire themselves. It’s done. The space is filled. The weight is huge, and quality is absent. There is no place for air; there is no place for a life.

Life is school of wisdom. And if to consider, that human life is too short, it is necessary to think of where forces leave so for what insignificant moments precious time is spent. More often it leaves on creation of a new chain of problems which creates illusion of employment and actively feeds the feeling of own importance. So the person leaves from the reality, lies to himself or allows another to confuse himself.

Quality is a property of the sixth feeling (terrestrial mind). It is the form of the attitude to objects. And only at presence of harmonious interaction of six sense organs (eyes, nose, language, ears, body, mind) and attitudes to objects (form, smell, taste, touch, quality) occurrence of terrestrial consciousness is possible. But only recently this consciousness grew dull. Clever slogans and mottos from the poster, advertising can’t bring Truth. Often in this sphere because of avidity there is no feeling of measure. Supporters of lie try to take in the lead positions, trying to be fighters for Truth. But artistry is only small part from the whole. No matter how lie tried to inspire to itself and associates, that it is the whole, that it is Truth, all attempts of proofs remain in vain. There is a century of Truth, and It does not require proofs and advertising. Study to distinguish it. Truth is always one, no matter what angel-keeper would stand up for its shoulders. For mankind its occurrence is accompanied by silence, light and stay of consciousness in the joyful and pacified condition.

05 October 2005, Просмотров: 22