Tag: Народная мудрость

About wisdom

I often asked how I refer to the activity of some parapsychologists, psychics, to books world known, and to unknown wise men known. This question demands a concrete estimation. Good estimation is possible owing to professional examination. But who is this expert? Who is this judge? The Founder. And I am a witness. I can only testify that all this exists is fixed in memory of Soul Space. And it is necessary for someone from us during this or that time. And the reaction to the same object can be different, as well as we are different.

Positive experience of mankind is creation, accumulation, preservation and transfer of popular wisdom which has the shape of legends, myths, fairy tales, para…

Russia. Future Russia

QUESTION Tell me something about Russia.
ANSWER OF TAYANA “He has no home whose home is everywhere”. Folk wisdom has no limits who asked this question was born in Russia. Why is a man born into this place is one of the main questions in this man’s life. The answer is unknown, that leads to the doubt: “to live or not to live in this country”.

The experience “It is a good place where we are out” comes after long wondering in the dark. Events, people, wishes, pleasures, disappointments flow in a stream.
For many Russians Russia is the roots of life. And what tree can live without roots? Take away the roots and the life will be lose. Of course, one can say that there are countries that ar…