QUESTION Hello! I had a problem! I feel, that I can not (and without help and I will not be able) to realize myself! Many people say that I have great potential. And it is true, I can do many things, I open in myself new abilities easily and without any efforts. But I feel need for greater. It seems to me, that I become like many other: atheist, cynic, pragmatist… I can not recollect, how it was, but I was always accompanied with sensation of magic and abilities to it. As if I was given force which I do not know how to use, and the need to open it is very big. And there is a sensation, that if I am not open it now, the soul “will become hardened” and the force will leave. I am 15 years; people say that it is awkward age. I have re-read some of your answers and I think that you can help me. Tell me, what is it? I think I am not inclined to inventions… I was always independent and “grounded”, but here I need help and parents will not understand! Thanks in advance.
ANSWER OF TAYANA Aspiration of mankind to perfection is one of its distinctive features. Three previous worlds (minerals, plants, animal) do not pursue this purpose. They develop in the natural way being in harmony with the nature. The world of man is distinguished by the presence of mind. Doing intellectual operations, the person has an opportunity to investigate the world surrounding him. Observation entails the analysis and conclusion. The conclusion is followed with estimation. And the less developed the consciousness, the lower quality of estimation (in this case we do not speak about wise men and clarified as they belong to other plan, and this theme is not actual for him ). To learn a correct estimation means to get access to development of ability to distinguish true from false, reality from illusion. When the given ability comes into the category of intuitive perception, the estimated system loses its function. The person begins to live according to the general rhythm of the Universe. Here perhaps there is the sense of perfection.

And till there is an approach to all with a categorical estimation there will be the aspiration of the person to perfection. Do not estimate, do not compare yourself to someone another. Existence is never repeated. Each subject is unique. The words that other people speak about you should not disturb you. They also compare by estimation. But in fact the starting point of counting can be erroneous. Another’s people advice and admonitions will withdraw you far from yourself.

You should know that Existence is perfect, and perfect is capable to create only similar ones. You are its child. So what is the problem? Otherwise the habit to compare will implant in you excessive egoism or aggression.

To be better than another, cleverer, more beautifully, richer, h3er is the list of desires born in the system of competition. It reminds a racetrack which has the form of a circle. At any moment there can be an applicant possessing greater abilities and opportunities, but he also is capable unexpectedly, by his own will, to go away from this path. His purpose was another. And you, having envied him, began to hate this person for your own weakness near him.

What is the magic in hands of the common person? It is the knowledge of laws of the nature and skill to apply them. The main condition consists in the fact that how and for whom this action is made. The mind makes the person to show his will. And as the person is created by the image and similarity of the Supreme and his will also have a tendency to realization. But on a profane level the will of the common person is directed more often on the decision of many small insignificant questions of the mercenary plan (pleasure, authority, glory). Sometimes all life is spent in pursuit for these mirages, and realization of presence of will, of its true usage and the responsibility for it, does not come. But once, having experienced the opportunities, the person can be before a h3 temptation of authority above the mankind, above the world of mind. To control such force is not so simple.

Existence gives an opportunity of tests and mistakes but when it turns to a system of mistakes (that, in turn, leads to violation of the general harmony) than appears the Will and any magic is helpless before it.

In fifteen years the person has a huge potential of force. It is the force, but it has not yet become reasonable, and it is has not taken the form of energy, has not received the right direction. You reached sexual maturity, formation of an esthetic body; the body of emotions came to end. The early hobby for magic can lead to an exhaustion of your health and prevent formation and development of an astral body the achievement of which is the intelligence, ability to think, argue, convince. It is made by education, achievements of civilization, culture. Usually such work comes to end by the age of twenty one year. Otherwise, I repeat, serious nervous and mental frustration is possible, that, in turn, will deprive you with the opportunity to develop the fourth mental or psychical body. There are a lot of examples with such result, and in this case you need the help of medical experts and the help is partial and short-term.

The existence of intelligence and mind opens access to special opportunities, unique achievements and to serious danger to take a great interest in the reached abilities. And again there are restrictions? No. Just travel has the continuation…

04 October 2005, Просмотров: 69