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Здесь вы можете получить ответы духовного наставника Тайяны Ония на волнующие вас вопросы в границах указанных тем. При возможной публикации – имена авторов вопросов не указываются.

Обращение Тайяны

Возможно, не всегда ответы смогут удовлетворить ваши запросы. И это не потому, что не верны ответы, а следствие того, что ваше восприятие недостаточно подготовлено к сказанному. Потребуется некоторое время для определенной работы вашего сознания над прочитанным. Простота высказанных слов не означает тривиальность, это только лишь возможность осторожного прикосновения к вашей душе. Здесь идет работа над индивидуальностью каждого. Только доверившись, вы способны ощутить с какой любовью существование относится к вам, что вы не одиноки. Хоть это и не просто. Будьте благоразумны.

Speak the truth?

QUESTION Whether it is necessary to tell people the truth on a question asked by them if the answer will not be pleasant? How is it better to do, not having offended them?
ANSWER OF TAYANA The world of people possesses such quality, as arrogance. Sometimes it entails excessive self-confidence as a result of dullness and ignorance. For this reason the person prefers to hear what is more pleasant what cannot deliver special efforts and problems. The desire to live in illusion frequently is more preferable than the truth. Therefore more often the truth is persecuted by the initiators of the created situation, it is objectionable. The nature of insult is hidden in the one who dares to take offe…


QUESTION How to be yourself?

ANSWER OF TAYANA Everything is not so easy. What is simple for one, is stumbling-block for another.

Always start with what you really feel.

Neither deceive yourself. You are to solve the conflict who you are and what kind of a person you should be.
The main thing what you really are. Feel consciousness as your own. To understand yourself one needs seclusion. Dive deep in the pain of solitariness and uselessness. The duration of seclusion is always individual. Do not confuse seclusion with loneless as the sense of life. 

Learn to see the Truth.

Only being in a passive, but vigilant state one may discover himself.Study and learn all the charac…


 У вас слишком много желаний. Вопросы, которые заданы, – порождение, следствие этих грез по своей оригинальности и неповторимости. Вам хочется признания, и чем чаще вы его получаете, тем больше проявляет себя привыкание к положительным эмоциональным откликам окружающих.

  Такая форма взаимодействия вам приятна, вы попадаете в ловушку удовольствия. В дальнейшем недостаток такой подпитки заставляет ваш ум активизировать память, искать оправдания отсутствию радости, ссылаясь на неуверенность в себе. Человек вы неглупый, поэтому правильно поймете то, о чем я веду с вами беседу. Утешать и льстить не в моих правилах, так как знаю, что это силы вам не придаст.

Ваше волшебное превр…


QUESTION Hello! I’ve read the question: the answer about faith, analyzed my own experience and want to ask you. You see, I differently feel this faith inside. Sometimes, when I speak or think, that I trust in myself I do so as if with my mind or brain only. These are all thoughts, of course. But I feel an impulse inside, and if I do not, I try to convince myself. And sometimes I believe simply. Somehow deep inside. There no words to describe this feeling, it is a very h3, involving perception. As if I did not simply believe, but I knew for sure. Could you help me and explain if it is faith in both cases? or I mix them up?
Thank you very much. Bring my apologies for a long explanation.


QUESTION Hello! I read your messages on www.sunhome.ru and I wished to communicate. For the first time I read so much truthful and clear words without a shadow of proud. My name is Maxim. I am 28 years old. I’ve practiced a lot of methodologies, but failed to stick to anyone for a long. The rules established by the master were often selfish. Though I never got used to them, soon becoming exhausted, I quitted and abandoned them.

My private life is rather strange too. Thus my first girlfriend practiced yoga, my first wife was five years older, she was vegetarian and alpinist. She desired to marry me very much, but after 1,5 year period of a conjugal life, she abandoned me, gave birth to a c…


QUESTION Such a feeling as if I have stopped in time and I do not move; as if all life passes by, there is no development. I think: WHY? And I answer: well let it be! Life is fine, I love and am loved! What else in a life is necessary! There is no self-expression, pleasure! I feel uncertainty in myself! After I have passed to another post, I turned to a grey melancholy mouse! I try to keep love in my soul. I concentrate on love. I always want to reunite and become single whole with it. Just to be dissolved in the nature and fly to the sky! How to keep harmony inside? What to do, to not relax? How to be always self-assured? How to help people?
ANSWER OF TAYANA You have too many desires. Ques…


 Страх – это патологическое чувство. Жизнь человечества на планете всегда сопровождалась его присутствием. Природа страха коренится в незнании, в опасении узнать что-то особенное и не понять этого. Страх возникает перед неизвестностью. С рождением появляется страх перед тайной жизни. Не зная ее, ребенок боится жить, дышать, а научившись немного этому, боится потерять находку. Появляется страх смерти. Изучать и исследовать природу страха свойственно истинно религиозным искателям. Для обычных людей это запретная тема. Страх перед сексом – это тоже страх смерти. В сексе вы входите в утонченный вид смерти. Исчезает ваша индивидуальность, ваше эго, исчезает время. И, несмотря на то что я говорю…

To do sex?

QUESTION My loved man sees in me only close friend and suggests making love for health, but I do not know, whether it is good to use his kindness and I can not refuse his offer it is above my forces. Maybe, it is necessary to make effort and to not meet him? Or there is nothing in it , what contradicts ethics of attitudes?

ANSWER OF TAYANA Friendship is a great force. It includes both love, and mercy, and trust.

If the loved person can stop loving, betray, the real friend always remains with you, and obstacles and distance are not a hindrance for him. They are especially sensitive people. Their abilities are empathy, loving kindness.

Friendship is the phenomenon of maturit…

Men marry

QUESTION I do not know what to do: to divorce from wife or not? Last time this question does not allow me to sleep. I don’t like her. Parents chose her. It frequent happens in such a way. The girl I liked, they did not accept. They thought that they are descendants of prince Welsh (I speak figuratively). And here I am at the crossroads. I do not like her, but I feel sorry for her. I fork; I do not know what to do. I do not want to be the victim. And I have problems with work, and I search and I search for new work. I put the questionnaire here and there, but nobody answers. Help me, please. Tell me what to do?
ANSWER OF TAYANA You want new experiences and problems than make divorce. At leas…


QUESTION Please, pour light on what is going here?

ANSWER OF TAYANA He and life is going on. Here is a way to the most sacramental magic of life.

… Timeless, Crame of Existance.

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