QUESTION Hello! I’ve read the question: the answer about faith, analyzed my own experience and want to ask you. You see, I differently feel this faith inside. Sometimes, when I speak or think, that I trust in myself I do so as if with my mind or brain only. These are all thoughts, of course. But I feel an impulse inside, and if I do not, I try to convince myself. And sometimes I believe simply. Somehow deep inside. There no words to describe this feeling, it is a very h3, involving perception. As if I did not simply believe, but I knew for sure. Could you help me and explain if it is faith in both cases? or I mix them up?
Thank you very much. Bring my apologies for a long explanation.

ANSWER OF TAYANA People’s mind is a great magician in the sphere of fantasies. It is an analyst. More a man stores information there a morel possibilities for mind’s activity. Mind exercises a great power. Higher the level of human consciousnesses, easier the direction of thinking activity. to be a master of your mind is a great gift.

Faith – is a product of intuition. Faith in yourself lives when you know, that the subject under instigation exists. You are exist, aren’t you? It is much for realization your responsibility for your existence here.

Intuition is mainly perceived on the level of soul. Soul knows your experience proves it. The biggest thing is to calm your mind down. Mind’s inflamation can be staved off. With the help of miscellaneous methods. Mankind has a wide range of them in store. But only few implement this knowledge and reach the target. Commonly it results in reading this or that book with no inheritance, afterall. Often even those who seek start to associate themselves with the acquired knowledge, and feel the stable insurange in their rightness, gradually becoming slaves of their own mind. Often there is no way to pull their delusions out of the shadow of reality.

Selfconsciousness is a very meaningful stage of your growth. You take attempts in self-perfection with the help of introspection. You’ve down much already. To make somebody to believe something is seen as an exploitation of one mind another. Lies always go down the brain. Truth doesn’t need any prove, it always goes by the hand with faith.

31 July 2005, Просмотров: 148