Tag: Ум

Правильное мышление и правильные мысли

Передо мной молодой человек, без особо выдающихся черт, его упрямое молчание и бегающий взгляд выдают сильное внутреннее напряжение и беспокойство. Мысли, которые роятся в его голове о собственной значимости, сбивают его с правильного направления в поведении. Он раздумывает, пытаясь вести разговор в желаемом для него русле, слышать приятное и надуманное о себе заранее, желание спорить и всё отрицать по каждому поводу, мешают ему слушать и слышать.

Упрямство и самоуверенность – основные качества, присутствующие на данном этапе развития его личности. Отсюда и вопрос, который он, наконец, задал, заключался в следующем: “В последнее время у меня нет вопросов, а если они появляется, я могу сам…


QUESTION Hello! I’ve read the question: the answer about faith, analyzed my own experience and want to ask you. You see, I differently feel this faith inside. Sometimes, when I speak or think, that I trust in myself I do so as if with my mind or brain only. These are all thoughts, of course. But I feel an impulse inside, and if I do not, I try to convince myself. And sometimes I believe simply. Somehow deep inside. There no words to describe this feeling, it is a very h3, involving perception. As if I did not simply believe, but I knew for sure. Could you help me and explain if it is faith in both cases? or I mix them up?
Thank you very much. Bring my apologies for a long explanation.

Feeling of own importance

QUESTION I think a lot of the fact that how other people estimate me. How is it possible to stop it?

ANSWER OF TAYANA Feeling of own importance… All this goes from mind. It weakens and does the person more vulnerable. You give too much attention to thinking. Less think – more feel. Other people do not think about you. They just compare their failures with yours. That’s all. It is the generation of terrible quality – envy. Do you want to be similar to them? No. So do not compare yourself with them, do not pull their measure on. Learn to estimate the better qualities, to value it. Make them the measure of your payment.

And not always your kind intentions in opinion of associates will…

Information flows

QUESTION How to restore my energy stream (I just underwent a lot of experiment) and fix holes in my ethereal body?

ANSWER OF TAYANA You have problems with your mind. Your perception of life and your problems are on the same level. You are selfish: too much attention to yourself.

As for the holes, you let them be yourself. Bring your brain in perfect order and set in free from rubbish. All the experiments on you are the results of your being crazy about saving money. For example, on the topic “Everything about me”. It is felt that you do not like the portrait created as a result of this work. The sun, air and water are the best to help you to cope with your problems. Don’t forget abou…