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QUESTION I feel, that past does not allow me to move forward. It presses on a breast like a heavy stone, it is difficult to make a breath and live further, not look back. I want to realize myself in this life very much. But I do not find forces to change anything. Tell me how to learn to live in peace with myself and people around. How to find forces in myself, to dump fetters of the past? I am afraid not to find the place in this life. Please, help with advice. Thanks.

ANSWER OF TAYANA You ask questions, and it seems to you, that it doesn’t have neither the end and nor edges. But all is much easier. The question is always one, and all rest is particulars as the life of everyone is no…

Инструкции по технике безопасности

Вы верите в чудеса? Если нет, то вы ошиблись адресом. Поспешите изменить свой курс, иначе будете ввергнуты в водоворот страстей своего внутреннего плана, где неминуемы сложные проблемы, переживания и отсутствие дороги назад (в прошлое). 


How it is to marry?

QUESTION My loved person has not decided to live together. Does distance, doubts or still something prevent him from doing it? What to do, whether it is necessary to show the initiative?
ANSWER OF TAYANA How is to decide to live together? It is already a joint life independently of, whether you are in marriage, whether sleep at night in one bed, whether you together have the immovable property, and so on.

Probably, your loved has his plans for this account. Talk to him. This concrete conversation can appear the beginning or the end of your relations.

Who should show the initiative? Probably, you as you are disturbed with this question.

Your friend can test doubt, fear. It is qu…

Перелет от личности к индивидуальности

 “Все под одним небом”. Все мы разные, но одно в нас неизменно и объединяет всех нас с Целым. Оно есть в каждом. ТО обращается к Этому (Alt, Игорь, Максим, Lady XYZ и другие). Каким бы именем вы ни воспользовались, мистер Икс, суть одна. Вы сражаетесь со всей Вселенной.

А что вы можете ей дать? Ничего. Она в вас не нуждается. Она просто есть. Жизнь излучает свою Тайну. Хочешь – будь ею, принимай участие в этой космической мистерии. Сарказм в данном случае неуместен.

Все мечтают о возвышенной, честной, великой любви. Но при этом огораживают себя подозрениями, мертвыми словами из книг, ненавистью. Еще и не жили – только мечтали. Не хочешь работать, жить, так хотя бы не мешай другим. Вс…

Love of the Sun

QUESTION Hello Tayana! My mind is so chaotic! I don’t know what to do. What direction should I follow or what should I do? Please help.

ANSWER OF TAYANA At this point, you have already reached a destination. It is your home now; you are welcome and understood better than anywhere else. 

Mind is good. But our mind is a naughty thing and a taleteller: it can imagine things that will never happen. Chaos is its ‘byproduct’, too. But the main point is that you have realized this sensation and you are not fighting the peace. 

Also, you have a kind heart! You should listen to it when you find yourself in the hardest – as you think – times of your life. 

I doubt you need my h…

What is love?

What love are you talking about?

You think about one, you live in another way. So indeed there is an opportunity to be ill with soul. Do not be sadomasochist!

One pleases, that it is not any more ” animal passion “. And poems are a part you, your experience. That what belongs only to you even if it is bitter and sad experience.

I can tell one thing: ” I am the person who understands you… ”

Whether you love yourself? Whether you know what love is?..

No, my dear friend, all is ahead. All is only begins.

Stop to regret yourself! That was illusion. Study to love. First steps are already passed, they are behind.

Do not stay on a place, go. Go forward.

Where and whom?

The answer to the poet

The former life doesn’t exist. There is life here and now, on the Earth.
Be yourself.
You know, who you are. And having learned, that people have,
That is not allowed them to know about themselves,
How people are alive,
You can find the wings….

Force of creativity

Force of creativity…

It exists or it doesn’t exist. If it is, it is unrestrained power.

And in this case the main thing is that there was a skilful driver……

An interview

The sun shines not because somebody needs it. Light is its essence.
Organizing a charitable display exhibition of paintings of artists of “Reality”, we did not put any odd purpose. We did what corresponds to our display. It is pleasure of life, love to human.

Both artists and spectators are individualities. The exhibition helps them to unite, it conducts them to search.

There is a parable saying about two persons who lived in one wood. One was blind, and another was lame. In a wood a great fire started. There was a threat of death. Blind did not know where to run, lame could not run. Owing to each other they rescued. Lame got on blind’s man shoulders, blind ran. They became a single w…


God comes to you, says: ” I want to you, I am tired to stand at the closed door “. But you are covered with horror, animal fear: ” No. I am busy now. I am busy. Let’s do it later “.

At this moment comes the realization of the fact that you are crowd, mountain of rubbish of another’s problems, desires, lusts and anxieties. You are dirty, filled with peel, but you can’t throw out it from yourselves. God cannot enter into you till you are not released from fear and egoism. And until you have it, you are again and again in purgatories.

I learn you not to think, but to love. And for this purpose it is necessary to find roots and not to lose them. Your roots are in present. And its fruits ar…

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