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QUESTION My lover left me for another woman. I know my sorrows will dissolve. It was destined to happen for me to understand something. But I can’t retire my hard Lurden. I get such a feeling of this permanent presence in my home. He is there any way to get rid of his former presence?
ANSWER OF TAYANA It is quite a hard experience for you. It is felt hard too. But don’t remonstrate try to accept it. What really means is you.

Often our mind can aggravate our feelings. Change the state, let some fresh wind come in your mopish mood. Do not be afraid – open your eyes. Inspire your stamina. Wind will bring away your sorrows – you will see a new radiance. You will find a way from the maze, w…


My dear friend, I tell you truly: there are miracles on New Year. Someone believes and adheres to authorities. Who are these authorities? Moscow, St.-Petersburg, capital of Siberia – Novosibirsk and some other representatives. So it is not enough of them for the usual person.

But it happens that somebody slightly opens a veil behind which there is Truth. Owing to this somebody receives dedication. He does not guess an event; he is overcome with anger, disappointment, loss of interest to object. ” And the small chest opened simply “. But what is in the small chest? It is not that authority which would correspond to the general invented standard where the main principles of action are servi…

About ezoteric

QUESTION I am young, I am 18 years. I always felt not like people who surrounding me; especially recently, when I began to understand some things (I have recently taken a great interest in esoterics), now I at the beginning of a way … I am very kind person as people say, I can listen to my heart and that’s why I always know, what is right, and what is not. Very often I feel inside some happiness without reason. I understand what love is very well … Sometimes it seems to me, that many people who surrounds me when they speak about me, that I live in my own world are blind …

I want to ask: what is it? The youth and naivety or is it a condition of consciousness? I worry: simply I do not…

Purpose to life

QUESTION What purpose of my coming to this world?
ANSWER OF TAYANA What purpose of wind, clouds, the sky and the ground? None. Divine does not raise any purpose. He simply is. His creative aspect is presented in your arrival also. You are His eyes, ears, hands. Through you He shows himself as possible. The creation is both creation, and preservation, and destruction. This trinity is display of harmony in action. You are His action: suffering, pain, tears, laughter and pleasure.

But people think more about themselves. You can always hear: « I. I am the best, the cleverest. And that, another… » And if you want to learn the purpose learn yourself, learn your weaknesses and begin to work…

Feeling of own importance

QUESTION I think a lot of the fact that how other people estimate me. How is it possible to stop it?

ANSWER OF TAYANA Feeling of own importance… All this goes from mind. It weakens and does the person more vulnerable. You give too much attention to thinking. Less think – more feel. Other people do not think about you. They just compare their failures with yours. That’s all. It is the generation of terrible quality – envy. Do you want to be similar to them? No. So do not compare yourself with them, do not pull their measure on. Learn to estimate the better qualities, to value it. Make them the measure of your payment.

And not always your kind intentions in opinion of associates will…


QUESTION Dear Tayana! How do you consider, whether we can choose all in our life or there are some moments which are predetermined and we cannot change them? For example, the family is given to us in advance, loved person too; in fact how can we choose, if we do not know all people in this world?
In many sources it is spoken that everyone gets according to his belief. If we have freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom of actions at the same time are we guided at a subconscious level (by loved people) or we allow guiding ourselves?
ANSWER OF TAYANA All is predetermined. But each detail of the whole when the analysis begins (division of the whole into parts) is presented by different c…


QUESTION With peace, I am seeking your advice. I have a situation here that I can’t resolve without a wise help. My closest family – my son and daughter-in-law – are in constant anger. My grandchildren are growing up in this atmosphere. I am 400 kilometers away from them, so, there is no actual way to get in touch with them that often. And this might be a tragedy for my grandchildren. A fatal question: ‘What should I do?’ How can I reduce a bad parents’ influence on the children? I grew up in violence and indifference. It must have somehow passed on to my son – but it was too late when I had realized this.
ANSWER OF TAYANA There should be a dedicated time and place for every event. The main…

Grant a wish

QUESTION Whether it is necessary to indulge oneself and to achieve execution of the desires with sweat and blood. Why does person need desire?
ANSWER OF TAYANA Presence of desires is a part of the Life, one of degrees of development of human mind. You shouldn’t indulge your desires as the realization of desires, as well as their uncontrollable occurrence, demands an expense of different quantity of energy. Its reckless charge leads to the infringement of the law of conservation of energy.

It is necessary to learn to control the process of occurrence of desires. If there is a provocation from envy, greed, competition, so the energy has an incorrect direction. Make a true channel for e…


QUESTION What means disbelief?
ANSWER OF TAYANA Belief is a force. The belief can shift mountains and execute most hidden desires. It makes wonders. Belief is the property of mind. If you know, that the subject of your belief exists, the belief will become h3. It is not necessary to identify belief with religion.

My grandmother’s name was Vera (Belief). She was a truly courageous, patient, wise person. She believed in herself, in her forces and completely relied on them. During the difficult vital moments she was able to stand up, bring up children, having given them care and support, that is especially necessary for human children. And she left this world adequately: in full sensiblen…


 Когда человек воспринимает Бога как возможность для удовлетворения своих мирских желаний и удовольствий, это становится примитивной сделкой, торговлей, основанной на корысти и личной выгоде. Человек просит любви, а сам ничего не умеет и не желает изменений в своем сознании. Личные желания он ставит во главу всего, а действие, требуемое от Бога, как что-то само собой разумеющееся. Такой эгоистичный и потребительский подход никогда не давал желаемых результатов.Желания частично могут сбываться, но удовлетворение от достигнутого на долгое время не задерживается. Вам хочется повторения успеха в делах, везения, счастливого состояния. Память прошлого возвращает к полученным приятным переживания…

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