QUESTION Dear Tayana! How do you consider, whether we can choose all in our life or there are some moments which are predetermined and we cannot change them? For example, the family is given to us in advance, loved person too; in fact how can we choose, if we do not know all people in this world?
In many sources it is spoken that everyone gets according to his belief. If we have freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom of actions at the same time are we guided at a subconscious level (by loved people) or we allow guiding ourselves?

ANSWER OF TAYANA All is predetermined. But each detail of the whole when the analysis begins (division of the whole into parts) is presented by different characteristics by virtue of the fact that all parts are different. So people have different degree of freedom independently of its purpose. From whose name do you ask a question? In this case “we” are you and I, you and your friends, parents, neighbors? In one family people can adhere everyone to his belief, certainly, if they are reasonable. The management of you is possible only from your internal agreement.

There is no any purpose. You are a part of Divine game. Game has no purpose. It is life. The child, playing, lives his game. He does not think of its purpose and results. And the divine whim has no purpose though is in strict observance of the Law.

The world where you ostensibly came, can ask you: ” Did you leave from here ? ” That, probably, you were always in it.

Beforehand not one family and one loved person can be given to people and if love is not given there will be nothing. There may be many loved people. All world is loved. And it is possible only to hate all and everyone. It is a simple display of one energy. Just as the black-and-white image and picture filled by all paints of a rainbow and its shades.

There is no need to know all people in this world. The main thing is to learn yourself, deeply and thoroughly. Then all world can be reflected in you. You will see and learn all about all. But it will not be of great importance any more. The mirror does not change a subject, it only reflects it. You are a clean and equal smooth surface. In the mirror you are you. It reflects only that gets in a zone of its perception. And it is not disturbed by the ignorance about subjects before it , as well as what is in a field of its reflection. However it frequently happens that mirrors do not appear during the necessary moment or it shows naked true.

17 March 2005, Просмотров: 75