Tag: СВОБОДА (Страница 1 из 2)

Не позволяйте себе себя обманывать. И не провоцируйте других помогать вам сохранять мнение о собственной исключительности. Существует закон соответствий. Нарушая его, человеку приходится платить личной жизненной энергией, которая имеет тенденцию принимать разнообразные формы своего проявления. Чем шире восприятие, тем большая степень возлагаемой ответственности. Уважайте себя, не разменивайте положительную карму, применяйте свой интеллект и другие ценные для вас качества личности разумно, по назначению.
Вы предпочитаете динамичный стиль жизни, а сами избегаете встречи с себе подобными или с теми, кто на позицию сильнее вас. Задавая вопрос, избегаете личной встречи. Оставаясь …

Понимание сути жажды обладания, поможет решать разнообразные проблемы. За ссылками на высокие чувства, стремления, любовь часто стоит обычный эгоизм и зависть. Эти два качества разъединяют людей, делают их слепыми и трусливыми. И позиция ожидания жалости к себе, милостыни в качестве преклонения перед их слабостью, придает им силы. Такие ловушки не способны удовлетворить вашу собственную значимость, чувство превосходства, обладания и радости за наличие всего этого.
Встречается много людей, желающих обладать людьми, их телом и душой. Глубоко внутри себя человеку свойственно чувствовать, что он – ничто. Обладая, ему кажется, что он становится кем-то. Порой границы этого желания теряют рам…

Sometimes we do not place on site(www.sunhome.ru) some verses Authors are revolted: ” How is it?! I told what I wanted to tell. I have the right “.
Unfortunately, these are people who have no concept about freedom. They automatically angrily react to those things which mismatch to principles which grown them up.
And their principles are very convenient; in fact it is not necessary to bear the responsibility for what is told.
The same can be transferred differently. It is possible to replace a word with a synonym, and the majority of people will not notice, that they were cheated. Mind of some poets, writers, scientists, teachers is capable for some cunning……

QUESTION When the personality is dissolved, and you have not found yourself yet – what is to do?
ANSWER OF TAYANA Your question has a theoretical orientation.
It has not occurred to you yet, hence, the question at the moment is incorrect.
The only thing that it is possible to develop in society is the personality. Formation and development of the personality is a priority direction in modern education. Another question is how it is realized. But the main objective is chosen correctly. To survive in the modern world of competition, it is necessary for usual person to work, develop many personal qualities and to bring it to perfection. These achievements are of the third body. These…

QUESTION Tell, please, what acts are not peculiar for the person, decided to be in the world, but at the same time not from the world? Thanks.
ANSWER OF TAYANA The world is as the representing (seeing) person is. Living in the world, but not from the world is really free person. His actions do not depend on laws of the world. He is realized and operates in conformity with his nature. When the person learnt himself, defined his predestination there is no question ” What to do? “. He simply knows it and does it. There are no doubts they do not arise in this case. And when there is no internal resistance than all occurs easily and free as if an invisible mighty force leads you carefully taken …

QUESTION Dear Tayana! How do you consider, whether we can choose all in our life or there are some moments which are predetermined and we cannot change them? For example, the family is given to us in advance, loved person too; in fact how can we choose, if we do not know all people in this world?
In many sources it is spoken that everyone gets according to his belief. If we have freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom of actions at the same time are we guided at a subconscious level (by loved people) or we allow guiding ourselves?
ANSWER OF TAYANA All is predetermined. But each detail of the whole when the analysis begins (division of the whole into parts) is presented by different c…

QUESTION Whether it is necessary to indulge oneself and to achieve execution of the desires with sweat and blood. Why does person need desire?
ANSWER OF TAYANA Presence of desires is a part of the Life, one of degrees of development of human mind. You shouldn’t indulge your desires as the realization of desires, as well as their uncontrollable occurrence, demands an expense of different quantity of energy. Its reckless charge leads to the infringement of the law of conservation of energy.
It is necessary to learn to control the process of occurrence of desires. If there is a provocation from envy, greed, competition, so the energy has an incorrect direction. Make a true channel for e…

QUESTION I like a young man very much. When we are together, I feel calm, but when he goes away, I feel something lacks. I have got used to him very much, but I understand that behavior social norms would not allow us to get closer. What can I do? I don’t want to lose this man. Please, give me advise!
ANSWER OF TAYANA You are to a certain extent wrong. You have nobody to lose. This man does not belong to you and you try to kill his independence. Feeling it unconsciously, he tries to avoid intimacy with you.
Forget youк profit and do not imagine what to get you want. There is no individuality, creative work to in it with love, with trust in existence, then you will likely to see an e…

QUESTION You answer the questions, Why don’t you take up writing?
ANSWER OF TAYANA It is not necessary. Experiences are very individual, intimate somebody is sure to take interest in this, but he can’t get experience.
Nowadays many people go in for reading detective novels and romances, poetry. But their life remains boring, with no experiences.
They haven’t lived yet because they are afraid of everything and not able to take responsibility, when it is necessary. So the life passes. Somebody has got frightened by something, got used to something and got attached to something. It is a pity to love, and sooner not the object of attachment, but the possibility for pleasured that gradually t…

QUESTION Freedom and love are the same. Or do I misunderstand?
ANSWER OF TAYANA Should I answer in positive or negative, it will not change your world greatly.
You like to philosophize, read book, perfect your intellect. I have no inclination to dispute with you because you want to look into mysterious things with the help of human mind and categories made up by this mind. You will not find that there.
What people create by means of images, remains here, on the Earth.
As far as essence is concerned, everything that exists has the same essence. The part belongs to the entire.
Love is only an expression of energy on the physical level. This is a state.
Freedom is t…