My dear friend, I tell you truly: there are miracles on New Year. Someone believes and adheres to authorities. Who are these authorities? Moscow, St.-Petersburg, capital of Siberia – Novosibirsk and some other representatives. So it is not enough of them for the usual person.

But it happens that somebody slightly opens a veil behind which there is Truth. Owing to this somebody receives dedication. He does not guess an event; he is overcome with anger, disappointment, loss of interest to object. ” And the small chest opened simply “. But what is in the small chest? It is not that authority which would correspond to the general invented standard where the main principles of action are serving and crawl.

You were allowed to open a veil. But when you will see it that will change nothing. Shambhala will remain Shambhala (in spite of the fact that to you were advised to search for it in the Himalayas, and you found it in a dense taiga). I congratulate you.

Admit, that it helped you to understand that ” the more unusual the thing, the easier sight it has “. So ” do not allow yourself to die of thirst, when an oasis is on horizon “.

Recently you were shaken by new experience of that reality in which you was involved, but not Don Huan is not the reason of it. The existence wanted your participation in Christmas. The lot fell on you, you chose the role. I can assure that it is uneasy, but necessary for your surrounding.
The skill of the poet, literary critic will be useful in development and perfection of your artistry. What are words now? They are minor. What are further actions? Service. Isn’t it?

I want to warn you, that if not to accept the Divine Blessing, it is possible to created lot of great problems.

With a holiday!

01 April 2005, Просмотров: 32