What love are you talking about?

You think about one, you live in another way. So indeed there is an opportunity to be ill with soul. Do not be sadomasochist!

One pleases, that it is not any more ” animal passion “. And poems are a part you, your experience. That what belongs only to you even if it is bitter and sad experience.

I can tell one thing: ” I am the person who understands you… ”

Whether you love yourself? Whether you know what love is?..

No, my dear friend, all is ahead. All is only begins.

Stop to regret yourself! That was illusion. Study to love. First steps are already passed, they are behind.

Do not stay on a place, go. Go forward.

Where and whom?

To light.

Don’t be afraid of it…

The darkness is convenient, but it only a part of your history…

Continuation follows…

07 September 2004, Просмотров: 25