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Здесь вы можете получить ответы духовного наставника Тайяны Ония на волнующие вас вопросы в границах указанных тем. При возможной публикации – имена авторов вопросов не указываются.

Обращение Тайяны

Возможно, не всегда ответы смогут удовлетворить ваши запросы. И это не потому, что не верны ответы, а следствие того, что ваше восприятие недостаточно подготовлено к сказанному. Потребуется некоторое время для определенной работы вашего сознания над прочитанным. Простота высказанных слов не означает тривиальность, это только лишь возможность осторожного прикосновения к вашей душе. Здесь идет работа над индивидуальностью каждого. Только доверившись, вы способны ощутить с какой любовью существование относится к вам, что вы не одиноки. Хоть это и не просто. Будьте благоразумны.

How it is to marry?

QUESTION My loved person has not decided to live together. Does distance, doubts or still something prevent him from doing it? What to do, whether it is necessary to show the initiative?
ANSWER OF TAYANA How is to decide to live together? It is already a joint life independently of, whether you are in marriage, whether sleep at night in one bed, whether you together have the immovable property, and so on.

Probably, your loved has his plans for this account. Talk to him. This concrete conversation can appear the beginning or the end of your relations.

Who should show the initiative? Probably, you as you are disturbed with this question.

Your friend can test doubt, fear. It is qu…

Перелет от личности к индивидуальности

 “Все под одним небом”. Все мы разные, но одно в нас неизменно и объединяет всех нас с Целым. Оно есть в каждом. ТО обращается к Этому (Alt, Игорь, Максим, Lady XYZ и другие). Каким бы именем вы ни воспользовались, мистер Икс, суть одна. Вы сражаетесь со всей Вселенной.

А что вы можете ей дать? Ничего. Она в вас не нуждается. Она просто есть. Жизнь излучает свою Тайну. Хочешь – будь ею, принимай участие в этой космической мистерии. Сарказм в данном случае неуместен.

Все мечтают о возвышенной, честной, великой любви. Но при этом огораживают себя подозрениями, мертвыми словами из книг, ненавистью. Еще и не жили – только мечтали. Не хочешь работать, жить, так хотя бы не мешай другим. Вс…

Love of the Sun

QUESTION Hello Tayana! My mind is so chaotic! I don’t know what to do. What direction should I follow or what should I do? Please help.

ANSWER OF TAYANA At this point, you have already reached a destination. It is your home now; you are welcome and understood better than anywhere else. 

Mind is good. But our mind is a naughty thing and a taleteller: it can imagine things that will never happen. Chaos is its ‘byproduct’, too. But the main point is that you have realized this sensation and you are not fighting the peace. 

Also, you have a kind heart! You should listen to it when you find yourself in the hardest – as you think – times of your life. 

I doubt you need my h…

Gey love

QUESTION And what about “gay” families? Love is the main thing, isn’t it? I want to make it clear and can’t find the answer anywhere. I believe that all the religions are based on love!

ANSWER OF TAYANA Everybody born into this world seeks for home, harmony with the world and with himself, etc. 

It is difficult to speak on love in theoretical sense, you have no own experience in this sphere! At every stage of the development of consciousness man passes through definite stages of love.

The family is a form of the organization of joint life, which man uses first of all to limit the freedom of the other man’s actions, thoughts, development. But it can be quite the reverse. Of course,…

Treasons of the husband

QUESTION Tell me please, what should I start with, if my soul is not quiet because of my husband’s infidelity. I am on the point of weeping and I do not know how to stop it. I began read esoteric literature, but everything is chaotic, I don’t know how to approach it. I am feeling breaches in my soul, destruction, devastation. I want to achieve balance, not to grow buffer, make myself forgive him, to get rid of offence. But how can I live without his love?
ANSWER OF TAYANA Your question is the result of deep emotional and feeling experience. Esoteric literature can’t help you in this case because the information you get has a lot of dimensions and systems. Your consciousness is not ready to …

Marriage and family

QUESTION What is the family?

ANSWER OF TAYANA The family is a whole organization of human relations, it can gain different forms. The quality of forms will depend on the representation, on the constituent parts that will inhabit this country. That is why the problems are so different depending on their solutions.

The both parts bust bear responsibility for family relations. And as the family is a living being, its evolutional process is unavoidable.
As any form of organization, the family has own laws and rules of existence. They are different for men and women. Nowadays the reason for many troubles in family is woman. It is she who the result of family relations depend on.

Life’s Purpose

QUESTION Is love our life’s purpose?
ANSWER OF TAYANA Your question is wrong. And wrong questions can get only incorrect answers. Therefore, to answer a wrong question means to be involved in a lie.
The person who is asking the question has demonstrated that s/he lacks consciousness, and therefore – responsibility for her/his actions. No responsibility – no person to ask the question.
‘We’, ‘us’, and other wording of this kind is wrong from the beginning. Who are we talking about? Me or you?
It often happens so: when you try to help yourself, you begin interfering with other people’s lives. It flatters your ego.
There are notions of ‘crowd’ and ‘personality’ in any society. Are you aski…

Information flows

QUESTION How to restore my energy stream (I just underwent a lot of experiment) and fix holes in my ethereal body?

ANSWER OF TAYANA You have problems with your mind. Your perception of life and your problems are on the same level. You are selfish: too much attention to yourself.

As for the holes, you let them be yourself. Bring your brain in perfect order and set in free from rubbish. All the experiments on you are the results of your being crazy about saving money. For example, on the topic “Everything about me”. It is felt that you do not like the portrait created as a result of this work. The sun, air and water are the best to help you to cope with your problems. Don’t forget abou…

Health of the person

QUESTION Health. What shall we start with?
ANSWER OF TAYANA At present day health is a very popular topic for discussion for anyone who feels like it. Everybody want it. But the main problem is that many people still do not know what it is and do not guess at it. Mostly health is connected with the physical body, with physical indisposition, with the appearance of pain. A huge amount of scientific works have been written on this topic. So far, but it can not lead to comprehension.

Health is a complicated system of harmonious connection of the physical and the spiritual in man. But it would be better to speak about health, not about diseases and misfortunes. That’s a pity but the latt…

Taoist yoga

QUESTION A young girl says that she has been practicing Hatha-yoga for a long time but nowadays there have been appeared women’s Dao techniques. What will you recommend?
ANSWER OF TAYANA There are no recommendations here.
It is your right to choose.
Consequently, you bear the responsibility for it yourself. The only remark is what is the aim of aspiring for these trends?
But, please, don’t try to hide behind beautiful phrases: self-development, self-perfection, self-realization, etc.
Do can you see that I know your real aim?
And do you know it?

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