QUESTION Health. What shall we start with?

ANSWER OF TAYANA At present day health is a very popular topic for discussion for anyone who feels like it. Everybody want it. But the main problem is that many people still do not know what it is and do not guess at it. Mostly health is connected with the physical body, with physical indisposition, with the appearance of pain. A huge amount of scientific works have been written on this topic. So far, but it can not lead to comprehension.

Health is a complicated system of harmonious connection of the physical and the spiritual in man. But it would be better to speak about health, not about diseases and misfortunes. That’s a pity but the latter is very typical of this world that leads “to the situation of real danger”.

That is why we on our site we hang-out-works full of the life, purity and beauty. These works let people learn to find joy even in small achievements of their lives and the life of another person in finds and discovers. Here comes those who have something to share, either a short encounter with an unknown lady, or nostalgy for human values, or just high spirits or a wish to “wander” in solitude. All this is possible and welcome. Here the basics of “unreasonable happiness” are mastered. 

People learn and teach practicism, not selfishness, movement from mind to heart.

This is the house of happiness and joy for healthy people. Others cannot survive under such conditions.

But diseases ought to be cured, one must not indulge them, must cure the body and soul, aspire for purity. There are servant and means for these purposes. One of them is a regular meditation practice. Wish you health. Tayana

02 September 2004, Просмотров: 97