Раздел: Personality. Individuality (Страница 2 из 2)

Эзотерическая литература

 Не ищите, все равно не найдете. Как вы можете искать, если не знаете, что вам нужно? Это знает только тот, кого вы ищете. Ему виднее. Он сам придет.

Учитель всегда рядом с вами. Нужно только поработать усердно, так как ничто не дается нам даром.

Работайте над развитием своего внимания, чувствительности, наблюдательности. Учитесь всматриваться, вслушиваться, переживать.

Он (или она – люди привыкли соотносить понятие “учитель” с определенным полом) появится и шепнет тебе: “Здравствуй, я – это ты, любовь моя”.

Услышьте и поймите эти слова. Успех этого экзамена в ваших руках.

Выбирать Учителя – это открытая агрессия к миру, нас выбирает Сила. Формы она может принимать разные. О…


QUESTION What does it mean to be a perfect warrior?

ANSWER OF TAYANA The world is perfect. God is perfect and everything he created is perfect. 

Man is primarily perfect, but he doesn’t remember, doesn’t know it. All his life is devoted to solving this problem. Everybody has the right to it but not everybody is attentive and vigilant. It is followed by a new round with its problems and wanderings.

These are battles, a movement to Truth through active actions and wars. 

The reason of evolution is in aspiration.

But the times comes when a man begins to understand that he has already passed this way and its reception brings neither joy no new discoveries. He awakens from mo…


QUESTION How much a 20-year-girl behave herself not to get lost and not to make silly mistakes?
ANSWER OF TAYANA Twenty years… It is a wonderful time! There is no part. Only the future is before you.
Why is this question worrying you? What are you afraid of? If it is a fear for other people’s thinking of you, then it is a mistake. Who are you listening to? Yourself or other’s advice?
Since the earliest childhood adults have tried to suggest a child the feeling of guilt for his extraordinary boldness, nawety and ingeniousness.
If you sit and ponder over what to do and how to be right and what not to do, all your “affair” is doomed to failure. Good and bad have been both laid into man sinc…

Predictions Vanga

QUESTION Many years ago Vanga Dimitrova forecast me that in 2003 I would find my Second Half… everything she had forecast me has come true except for this one… Could you advise me what to do?
ANSWER OF TAYANA Everybody talks and writes about love. It seems to everybody that they know love and can give advise and wishes to everybody else. But most of all it is only a fantasy on the theme “What can I say to you?”. You live in a fairy tale and with the help of this fairy tale. You think Love is your second “Half”. But it is not true.

You are too fussy and noisy. These are only emotions. You have invented a legend for yourself and try to assure everybody of its reality. But who can see, is…

Technics to meditations

QUESTION Where can I look up information on meditation techniques in Internet for all men?

ANSWER OF TAYANA It is a difficult question. In this situation we have not inclination to be an advertiser. At present mankind is submitted to the information world. This world has its own laws. Here information is money, power, a way to power.

“All in good time”. To practice meditation one should be ready for it. It remains a word and a notion only until you do not understand the necessity of your existence, your presence. Otherwise, each your intention that seems kind, would have harmful results. As you know, idle curiosity needs punishing. Meditation practice is one of the stages of consciou…

Brokenned heart

QUESTION My heart is aching. My soul it torn into pieces. As before, my sense demands what it wants. And I understand that my madness is simply drowning me. But it is what I am and I cannot do anything about it. And I am living with it. It has been worrying me of late. But when I met her, both my heart and soul seemed to revolt against my sense. I understand that she is not such a girl as she seems, but my heart demands so that I should be with her and my soul agrees with it. But to do it I must change and I cannot do it. Tell me, please, what can I do in this situation?
ANSWER OF TAYANA Soul, sense: you use such important categories for a more figurative description of your self-admiration…

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