QUESTION Where can I look up information on meditation techniques in Internet for all men?

ANSWER OF TAYANA It is a difficult question. In this situation we have not inclination to be an advertiser. At present mankind is submitted to the information world. This world has its own laws. Here information is money, power, a way to power.

“All in good time”. To practice meditation one should be ready for it. It remains a word and a notion only until you do not understand the necessity of your existence, your presence. Otherwise, each your intention that seems kind, would have harmful results. As you know, idle curiosity needs punishing. Meditation practice is one of the stages of consciousness development. Are you ready for it? In what state is your body, mind, nervous system? Are you healthy? Have you ever asked yourself why you need it?

We happened to hear: “Help to forget how to meditate”. It is a delirium of a sick man. One can’t learn meditation. It is a mode of life, a definite state of inner and outer interaction.

… Meetings with adherents are necessary. Those, who move in the same direction, understand something already. But what is most important in the presence of a Tutor, Master, Teacher? Only under his considerate command, or to be more exact, control you do will manage to do smith. But this peculiar connection depends on you in many aspects.
Knock, and the door will be open. Perhaps, you will be lucky. But be sure of the purpose of your visit.

Something else… Interaction with a Teacher demands trust. Otherwise everything would be in vain. Wonder can happen only if you believe in him. Ties between a Teacher and a Pupil is intimate, is sacred. It has always been and mystery and demanded worship and delicate treatment, because it is a dedicate connection between the Human and the Divine and its name is Love. It is like a huge ocean. You are in it, belong to this moment and feel and in this unlimited world you and it are united and any resistance is of no use…

Only Love and cognized worship will help to stand firm and move further.

Intellect comprehension doesn’t remove the reason of suffering. Try to listen with your heart, let it pass through emotions. Dry calculations is useless. Mind is an assistant, not the Master.

So I wish you to meet a Freeman. But I want you, don’t rush to the man in the street. Try to listen to your heart, it will help. There are plenty of people who point whom, what and how to love. To be bright and nosey is a lot of coins. And Master’s appearance is like a flash of lighting inside you. Not fire, but light and warmth… As if you were at home.

As for practical recommendations on self-consciousness development, you can find them on the site in the section “Theory and practice”. It is the only thing I point you to, because I bear the responsibility for it. And others must pay their bills themselves. Good luck.

31 August 2004, Просмотров: 68