QUESTION Many years ago Vanga Dimitrova forecast me that in 2003 I would find my Second Half… everything she had forecast me has come true except for this one… Could you advise me what to do?

ANSWER OF TAYANA Everybody talks and writes about love. It seems to everybody that they know love and can give advise and wishes to everybody else. But most of all it is only a fantasy on the theme “What can I say to you?”. You live in a fairy tale and with the help of this fairy tale. You think Love is your second “Half”. But it is not true.

You are too fussy and noisy. These are only emotions. You have invented a legend for yourself and try to assure everybody of its reality. But who can see, is at any moment able to open your cards, moreover if you want it.

And a remedy for you can turn out very bitter. It leads to offence, anger, uncontrolled waste of energy, doing harm.

As for fortune-tellings and forecasts… When a man is to busy with himself, he is ready for different methods and means to gain these or these aims. It leads to the quality of fortune-tellings and forecasts. Who tells the future bears the responsibility for it. Are you an automation ready to perform a program put inside you by somebody else? Sometimes it is very convenient go where you’ve pointed to. 

It is a guarantee for being blind for many years. You try to store knowledge. 

Yes, on the Earth it is possible. But what is knowledge without experience? You are not good enough at World Laws.

Nobody can know their future, because it is being done in the present, here and now. The least violation of a Law by you will lead to certain consequences, breakdowns and changes in the problem.

To come to love, one should wear out lots of pairs of footwear and eat a lot of bread. Read fairy-tales if you like them because they contain folk wisdom and those World Laws. They are simple as of your potential “Second Half”’s clothes.

You are an ordinary woman and share with men folk their problems. Women deprived men of everything. And an empty sack cannot stand. What did you exactly do for some man to stay with you?

Sometimes it is worth being more attentive to look around. Nobody should order you, only your heart. It is the best compass, a trustworthy guide. If your thoughts are pure, then your dreams can come true. Seek and you’ll get it. Good luck. With love, Tayana.

31 August 2004, Просмотров: 179