QUESTION Theosopher, businessman, writer, publisher (can help with publishing a book) seeks a Teacher of meditation. For a considerable fee I’m waiting for decisions.

ANSWER OF TAYANA The formulation of the question is the wrong. It’s a pity, but the human whishes and possibilities do not often coincide.

You seek, ask for, promise, but do not have money, knowledge about Theosophy, outlook is not denied. There is the comprehension of primary essence, compassion for the mistaken that is not indulgency in ignorance.

“Love thy foe”. Now both whom there words addressed to and will is a foe are gone. These words are not the result of the work of some concrete mind. It is that goes out all the depths of pure consciousness dimmed or darkened by nothing forces of Divine Love come out of here.
That means to live in God, and, consequently, to leave in Love. But in concerns not everybody. Who lives only with the help of their mind, quoting the giving thoughts can’t prove their truth, because he will be unmasked and exposed.

In the earliest period of the birth and development of human consciousness, religion is necessary, it helps man at least for an instant to touch the mystery of Presence.

02 September 2004, Просмотров: 76