Tag: Учитель и ученик

Marriage and family

QUESTION What is the family?

ANSWER OF TAYANA The family is a whole organization of human relations, it can gain different forms. The quality of forms will depend on the representation, on the constituent parts that will inhabit this country. That is why the problems are so different depending on their solutions.

The both parts bust bear responsibility for family relations. And as the family is a living being, its evolutional process is unavoidable.
As any form of organization, the family has own laws and rules of existence. They are different for men and women. Nowadays the reason for many troubles in family is woman. It is she who the result of family relations depend on.

Teacher and pupil

QUESTION Theosopher, businessman, writer, publisher (can help with publishing a book) seeks a Teacher of meditation. For a considerable fee I’m waiting for decisions.

ANSWER OF TAYANA The formulation of the question is the wrong. It’s a pity, but the human whishes and possibilities do not often coincide.

You seek, ask for, promise, but do not have money, knowledge about Theosophy, outlook is not denied. There is the comprehension of primary essence, compassion for the mistaken that is not indulgency in ignorance.

“Love thy foe”. Now both whom there words addressed to and will is a foe are gone. These words are not the result of the work of some concrete mind. It is that goes…

Spiritual master

QUESTION How should I behave if my spiritual master got in love with me?
ANSWER OF TAYANA We live in abundance. Life is changeable in it’s process, whether it is a common man’s car saint’s life. Unique are Buddha, Jesus our Mohammed. Candours of divine aspect are stupendous and never just the same. Different time possesses it’s own vibrations, peculiarities and currents. That’s why the forms of expression are currently in dynamics.
Each of us is that pupil and a master at the same time. Only situations and people change from time to time.

The category of spiritual leader is a “soared up” statues. One must not abuse this notion. It is an outer world notion. There are many those who str…