QUESTION It is a value to communicate with a pleasant for you man. What shall I do if this possibility has been lost by force of the circumstances turned out?

ANSWER OF TAYANA You want Truth but you are not ready for it. For the uninitiated Truth has a horrible look.

But there exists a possibility of uncovering the “veil” and helping to see the top of the mountain from the foot of it.

What you asked about is no value for you any more. It is sooner an attachment to pleasure. It is just the thing that causes your preference.
But there is the reversed side of a medal. To learn to find oneself in the world of social success transient, they are not yours. You cannot give it, it already belongs to the world you live in.

You cannot buy what belong to these world. You will not reward for a service, that is you who we’ll be rewarded, if you cope with your status of a pupil.

Man comes up to meditation through experience. The presence of Truth is not always recognizable. Contact with her, even not cognized, provokes hypocrisy. Your dreams are unreal, your success is illusory, and a sage can at any moment destroy the world created by you.

What kind of a Theosopher are you? You must be sooner a follower. Whom do you serve? What can be do in this case? To invest money (as a potential man of good will), but not where you want, but where it will be taken. It is not you who dictates his will here. In this case you are to execute will.

Publishing a book is a good beginning for you, an entrance, ticket to the Temple. And that expenses are small, and the results are significant. The main thing is to step over your pride.

It’s up to you.

31 August 2004, Просмотров: 61