QUESTION Can we talk about freedom here?
ANSWER OF TAYANA Should we oк should not? That is the question. The both are possible. The majority of people can afford relative freedom. I wouldn’t touch the problem of absolute freedom in this article.
The basic tragedy of our planet is that everybody claims for freedom and self-dependence under no conditions, but with the right to suppress and submit another individuality. This is competition, thirst for superiority.
We do not need any psychological tests – one look, one word, one jest is enough, and the case is diagnosed. So is the forecast.
Who asks the question on freedom only that can answer it, because they can speak “different languages”…
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QUESTION What is to do? My daughter wants money very much. It’s her biggest desire. She has an allergy for study and work.
ANSWER OF TAYANA Money is one of forms of desire. It is an integrated form. There are a huge number of different fine pleasures in it. Their realization is an opportunity of narcissism, and in the further is the authority over the people. It is not a butterfly, but only a gluttonous caterpillar.
What butterfly (day time or night, and maybe – a bat) becomes “caterpillar”, depends on it will eat. What is its “daily bread”? Probably, it is seduced with attention of people.
Empathy is not learned yet by it. You focused the child on struggle for a place under the…

QUESTION Sometimes it seems that the whole world is against me, and after a while it varies sharply: something picks you up and bears in the center of any action. And I feel, that I need something to do, to create and give something. What is it? Thanks for attention to me.
ANSWER OF TAYANA It is you. I know you and this, and that. It is a wind which never rests, is an embodiment of movement. It is possible to be a silent tender breeze playing with birds in heavenly blue, and it is possible to be a typhoon in an ocean or a h3 wind lifting columns of snow from the ground up to the sky, resulting in chilling horror for the travelers who lost the way.
But when your mind wakes up when emoti…

QUESTION It seems to me that I’m becoming involved in life more and more, complicating it and cannot stop. I read a lot, I am interested in psychology, mystics, etc. I am seeking myself rummaging about in my soul… I know theoretically that one must live here and now, be conscious of themselves and of environment at any moment, be conscious of their breathing, walking, eating…
ANSWER OF TAYANA But inside me is uncosy, I desperately want something. If only I could understand what exactly I want, a horrible period of feeling unwanted is lasting too long and everything seems to be all right. I have had a diploma with excellence, a job, everybody is fine. But I cannot understand what is wrong si…

QUESTION Theosopher, businessman, writer, publisher (can help with publishing a book) seeks a Teacher of meditation. For a considerable fee I’m waiting for decisions.
ANSWER OF TAYANA The formulation of the question is the wrong. It’s a pity, but the human whishes and possibilities do not often coincide.
You seek, ask for, promise, but do not have money, knowledge about Theosophy, outlook is not denied. There is the comprehension of primary essence, compassion for the mistaken that is not indulgency in ignorance.
“Love thy foe”. Now both whom there words addressed to and will is a foe are gone. These words are not the result of the work of some concrete mind. It is that goes…

QUESTION It is a value to communicate with a pleasant for you man. What shall I do if this possibility has been lost by force of the circumstances turned out?
ANSWER OF TAYANA You want Truth but you are not ready for it. For the uninitiated Truth has a horrible look.
But there exists a possibility of uncovering the “veil” and helping to see the top of the mountain from the foot of it.
What you asked about is no value for you any more. It is sooner an attachment to pleasure. It is just the thing that causes your preference.
But there is the reversed side of a medal. To learn to find oneself in the world of social success transient, they are not yours. You cannot give it, it alread…

QUESTION People argue about religions, sects, about the possibility of the establishment of a world Religion. What can we do with it?
ANSWER OF TAYANA You must not speak of God, but live in Him, as God is life. The same concerns religion. When man becomes religion, he gets rid of trying to find an answer to the question “What do you think of religion?”. Now there is no need to think about it. A new consciousness is born. We experience every moment of our presence.
Another values that you must cognize this problem is a whole. It is your Existence that gives you such a possibility. The more we catch at our attachments, the sharper the pain of losses is. His Majesty the Law of the Nega…

QUESTION Tell me something about Russia.
ANSWER OF TAYANA “He has no home whose home is everywhere”. Folk wisdom has no limits who asked this question was born in Russia. Why is a man born into this place is one of the main questions in this man’s life. The answer is unknown, that leads to the doubt: “to live or not to live in this country”.
The experience “It is a good place where we are out” comes after long wondering in the dark. Events, people, wishes, pleasures, disappointments flow in a stream.
For many Russians Russia is the roots of life. And what tree can live without roots? Take away the roots and the life will be lose. Of course, one can say that there are countries that ar…

QUESTION Spiritual practice… and money. Is there a way out? Thank you.
ANSWER OF TAYANA There is always a way out. Sometimes there exist several variants. The entrance can be a way out as well. The question contains two answers in itself. This is the position of double-dealing. Spiritual practice is a spiritual practice, money is money. But there is also a third answer. It is your life. A realized movement from moment to moment, but there are no efforts “to philosophize on the topic of…”. Pondering over it will not help. It is necessary to know oneself. Who are you and what is your place on this stage?
When you live among ordinary mundane people, it is difficult to be a saint. And the …

Для вас – да.
Каждый из нас пришел в этот мир со своим опытом и возможностями, у каждого своя точка отсчета и направление движения. Следовательно, и степень осознанности разная.
Есть моменты в жизни, которые предопределены для обычного человека, и нет необходимости сражаться с ними и пытаться их изменить. Здесь работает принцип “не насилуй ситуацию, иначе она начнет насиловать тебя”. Бывает так, что человек уже не одно воплощение сталкивается с одной и той же проблемой, пытаясь противостоять ей. Но все тщетно. Каждый раз существование отбрасывает его назад, в прошлое. Причина рождает следствие, следствие становится новой причиной. Движение по сансарическому кругу превращается в беск…