Раздел: Love (Страница 3 из 3)

Послания, обращения, письма Тайяны Ония

Обращение Тайяны

Жизнь коротка. Не тратьте ее на несущественное. Не ограничивайте себя. Всё, что не сможет унести с собою смерть – это самое важное. Любовь не может быть отобранной. Она неотъемлемая часть Целого. Любовь – единственная вещь, для которой существует жизнь.
Верьте в Любовь, верьте Любви. Живите в Ней. Это естественно, значит прекрасно. Храните Любовь! Храни вас Бог!

About wisdom

I often asked how I refer to the activity of some parapsychologists, psychics, to books world known, and to unknown wise men known. This question demands a concrete estimation. Good estimation is possible owing to professional examination. But who is this expert? Who is this judge? The Founder. And I am a witness. I can only testify that all this exists is fixed in memory of Soul Space. And it is necessary for someone from us during this or that time. And the reaction to the same object can be different, as well as we are different.

Positive experience of mankind is creation, accumulation, preservation and transfer of popular wisdom which has the shape of legends, myths, fairy tales, para…


Hi, Jury, hi, my dear Brother!

I congratulate you on revival, Presvjatoj George Velikomuchenik and Pobedonosets!

For unknown all names are the same. You ask me how I live. I didn’t think about it. A lack of time. I simply am and I am pleased that there is you. Once you said the phrase: ” I shall be! ” Yes, it is true that all our desires independently of their quality can come true sooner or later. Let it be so while we are!

What help do I need? It completely depends on you. You, dear, have freedom which you received from the Bird of Glory. You are presented by creative search, and I can only be an inspiration and your victory in this process. I do not dare to ask and for the reason…


My dear friend, I tell you truly: there are miracles on New Year. Someone believes and adheres to authorities. Who are these authorities? Moscow, St.-Petersburg, capital of Siberia – Novosibirsk and some other representatives. So it is not enough of them for the usual person.

But it happens that somebody slightly opens a veil behind which there is Truth. Owing to this somebody receives dedication. He does not guess an event; he is overcome with anger, disappointment, loss of interest to object. ” And the small chest opened simply “. But what is in the small chest? It is not that authority which would correspond to the general invented standard where the main principles of action are servi…

Инструкции по технике безопасности

Вы верите в чудеса? Если нет, то вы ошиблись адресом. Поспешите изменить свой курс, иначе будете ввергнуты в водоворот страстей своего внутреннего плана, где неминуемы сложные проблемы, переживания и отсутствие дороги назад (в прошлое). 


What is love?

What love are you talking about?

You think about one, you live in another way. So indeed there is an opportunity to be ill with soul. Do not be sadomasochist!

One pleases, that it is not any more ” animal passion “. And poems are a part you, your experience. That what belongs only to you even if it is bitter and sad experience.

I can tell one thing: ” I am the person who understands you… ”

Whether you love yourself? Whether you know what love is?..

No, my dear friend, all is ahead. All is only begins.

Stop to regret yourself! That was illusion. Study to love. First steps are already passed, they are behind.

Do not stay on a place, go. Go forward.

Where and whom?

The answer to the poet

The former life doesn’t exist. There is life here and now, on the Earth.
Be yourself.
You know, who you are. And having learned, that people have,
That is not allowed them to know about themselves,
How people are alive,
You can find the wings….

Force of creativity

Force of creativity…

It exists or it doesn’t exist. If it is, it is unrestrained power.

And in this case the main thing is that there was a skilful driver……

An interview

The sun shines not because somebody needs it. Light is its essence.
Organizing a charitable display exhibition of paintings of artists of “Reality”, we did not put any odd purpose. We did what corresponds to our display. It is pleasure of life, love to human.

Both artists and spectators are individualities. The exhibition helps them to unite, it conducts them to search.

There is a parable saying about two persons who lived in one wood. One was blind, and another was lame. In a wood a great fire started. There was a threat of death. Blind did not know where to run, lame could not run. Owing to each other they rescued. Lame got on blind’s man shoulders, blind ran. They became a single w…


God comes to you, says: ” I want to you, I am tired to stand at the closed door “. But you are covered with horror, animal fear: ” No. I am busy now. I am busy. Let’s do it later “.

At this moment comes the realization of the fact that you are crowd, mountain of rubbish of another’s problems, desires, lusts and anxieties. You are dirty, filled with peel, but you can’t throw out it from yourselves. God cannot enter into you till you are not released from fear and egoism. And until you have it, you are again and again in purgatories.

I learn you not to think, but to love. And for this purpose it is necessary to find roots and not to lose them. Your roots are in present. And its fruits ar…

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