Раздел: Letters (Страница 2 из 2)
Спасибо, Тайяна, за письмо и слова, которые я получила от вас!
Я не хочу страдать из-за того, что у любимого есть жена и дети. И у меня есть дети, ну и что? Дело не в этом, а в том, что мы не смогли стать близкими друзьями. Я прихожу к нему на работу, сидим в кабинете и молча смотрим телевизор. Работники заходят и уходят… В ожидании его ласки я теряю себя, потом он встает и говорит, что пора идти куда-то.
Мы выходим, на лестнице на виду у всех целуясь, прощаемся и уходим в разные стороны. Он не звонит, не назначает встречу и даже не говорит ласковые слава.
Или он играет со мной (тогда этому должен быть конец) или… Или что? Или откровенно поговорить с ним о моих чувствах и переж…
I am 41. I didn’t have love in my life. I did not suffer this illness. But after communicating with you I understood, that in my life there were only dreams. I still continue to dream. Probably, I live by these, and I feel quiet. Thank you very much that you are.
You often say, that love is an illness, and are pleased or regret because of the security from it. I can not agree with it. Illness represents wrong movement of energy. It leads to its overabundance or lack. This happens, when the person breaks the display of his true nature, tries to become the person whom he is not. Problems can appear because of the fact that the environment where he appeared, mismatches his essence. Adaptati…
Читаю материалы Вашего сайта и ощущаю тепло исходящее от каждой строчки. Все советы пронизаны добротой и любовью. Появляется желание жить по-другому, творить, любить, делать добро людям; Осознаю многие простые, но ранее непонятные истины, и это приводит в неописуемый восторг, даже рыдать хочется от какого-то необычного ощущения счастья!
СПАСИБО! Наталия.
Читаю ваше письмо, Наталия, и отмечаю, что написан этот отклик человеком творческим. Если вы смогли уловить и почувствовать вибрации посланий этого сайта, увидеть цель Мироздания, правильно отреагировать на это, то можно уверенно сказать, что вся моя работа и работа моих собратьев обязательно увенчается успехом.
Порой важно бывает …
I often asked how I refer to the activity of some parapsychologists, psychics, to books world known, and to unknown wise men known. This question demands a concrete estimation. Good estimation is possible owing to professional examination. But who is this expert? Who is this judge? The Founder. And I am a witness. I can only testify that all this exists is fixed in memory of Soul Space. And it is necessary for someone from us during this or that time. And the reaction to the same object can be different, as well as we are different.
Positive experience of mankind is creation, accumulation, preservation and transfer of popular wisdom which has the shape of legends, myths, fairy tales, para…
Hi, Jury, hi, my dear Brother!
I congratulate you on revival, Presvjatoj George Velikomuchenik and Pobedonosets!
For unknown all names are the same. You ask me how I live. I didn’t think about it. A lack of time. I simply am and I am pleased that there is you. Once you said the phrase: ” I shall be! ” Yes, it is true that all our desires independently of their quality can come true sooner or later. Let it be so while we are!
What help do I need? It completely depends on you. You, dear, have freedom which you received from the Bird of Glory. You are presented by creative search, and I can only be an inspiration and your victory in this process. I do not dare to ask and for the reason…
My dear friend, I tell you truly: there are miracles on New Year. Someone believes and adheres to authorities. Who are these authorities? Moscow, St.-Petersburg, capital of Siberia – Novosibirsk and some other representatives. So it is not enough of them for the usual person.
But it happens that somebody slightly opens a veil behind which there is Truth. Owing to this somebody receives dedication. He does not guess an event; he is overcome with anger, disappointment, loss of interest to object. ” And the small chest opened simply “. But what is in the small chest? It is not that authority which would correspond to the general invented standard where the main principles of action are servi…
What love are you talking about?
You think about one, you live in another way. So indeed there is an opportunity to be ill with soul. Do not be sadomasochist!
One pleases, that it is not any more ” animal passion “. And poems are a part you, your experience. That what belongs only to you even if it is bitter and sad experience.
I can tell one thing: ” I am the person who understands you… ”
Whether you love yourself? Whether you know what love is?..
No, my dear friend, all is ahead. All is only begins.
Stop to regret yourself! That was illusion. Study to love. First steps are already passed, they are behind.
Do not stay on a place, go. Go forward.
Where and whom?