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Обращение Тайяны

Возможно, не всегда ответы смогут удовлетворить ваши запросы. И это не потому, что не верны ответы, а следствие того, что ваше восприятие недостаточно подготовлено к сказанному. Потребуется некоторое время для определенной работы вашего сознания над прочитанным. Простота высказанных слов не означает тривиальность, это только лишь возможность осторожного прикосновения к вашей душе. Здесь идет работа над индивидуальностью каждого. Только доверившись, вы способны ощутить с какой любовью существование относится к вам, что вы не одиноки. Хоть это и не просто. Будьте благоразумны.

Spiritual master

QUESTION How should I behave if my spiritual master got in love with me?
ANSWER OF TAYANA We live in abundance. Life is changeable in it’s process, whether it is a common man’s car saint’s life. Unique are Buddha, Jesus our Mohammed. Candours of divine aspect are stupendous and never just the same. Different time possesses it’s own vibrations, peculiarities and currents. That’s why the forms of expression are currently in dynamics.
Each of us is that pupil and a master at the same time. Only situations and people change from time to time.

The category of spiritual leader is a “soared up” statues. One must not abuse this notion. It is an outer world notion. There are many those who str…


QUESTION What does it mean “to be communicative”?
ANSWER OF TAYANA To be communicative means not to avoid life.
To live. To live every moment: walk on the ground, realize touching it, fill the contact with water to, warmth, animals, plants, not with people only.
Whether you look at the sky, stars, sun, swim in the sea – you communicate. There’s no choice.

To realize yourself in this splendid current.
You are just a fragment in the universal picture of Being.
Communicativeness suggests permanent aptness to relationships. There is only a flick of time, that determines your existence. But before you start any relationships with other, you have to find a key to yourself.


QUESTION Please, help me to find my way. I cannot find understanding and feel loneliness with my skin. I know, I must attempt something, must not think about my suppression persistently tell me: you are on a wrong way. Apathy grips my soul and body, my thoughts are in a wager. How can I feel my own way in life?
ANSWER OF TAYANA Loneliness… Life is a way itself. It is given us to choose the direction. It is a divine award and it is up to you how you wreath a thread…
People are afraid of staying alone. Loneliness scares. Is it better to live by a crowd? It deprives people of their own personality. Nobody will feel responsibility for what is going on.
Let yourself be different. If you ne…

Assistance in spiritual practice

QUESTION When a man, who is in a search, realize it is not easy for him to go forward alone, what should he do in this case? Thank you very much.

ANSWER OF TAYANA Following the WAY – a little page of Being. This is not given to everyone.

Assistance in spiritual practice…

Material layer includes so much appealing, intriguing. Being accepted not deeply, when body, speech and mind desires didn’t find their expression, the search of the right direction will be retarded. A long trampling on a place will start. It’s high time you met a friend sent by God.

In one of his poems N. Gumilev summons for such a friend. By the way, is not acknowledged and understood by our contemporari…

Spiritual World

QUESTION Help me, please! I’ve got lost in this World, I don’t know the Way!
ANSWER OF TAYAN Spiritual World…
The World you are speaking of belongs to you only, it’s made up of your problems. And it is you who must solve them, because it is you who is the root of them. You represent this world.
Bring yourself in order. First of all bring your desires in order. Desires are big pretentions to this World. Primarily get rid of your main faith.

You are between two worlds, that are in war: the inner world and the outer one. The way means ascending to uniting them, reaching harmony and freedom. It may take you more that a day, more that a year or even your whole life……

Love two mans

QUESTION How do you think, is it bad to love two men? The matter is that I married and I love my husband. But my love to another person to the man whom I left, you see, is nothing done, and there is no use in trying to convince myself, that it is superfluous in my life. This feeling arises from nowhere when it seems: « Well it’s likely passed, has released and thanks God ». What should I do and whether it is necessary to do with something it?
ANSWER OF TAYANA The way to understanding of love is thorny. But, to reach the top of this wonderful mountain, it is necessary to investigate the object from its different parts. And during the movement of immersion in the nature of the question there …

Brokenned heart

QUESTION My heart is aching. My soul it torn into pieces. As before, my sense demands what it wants. And I understand that my madness is simply drowning me. But it is what I am and I cannot do anything about it. And I am living with it. It has been worrying me of late. But when I met her, both my heart and soul seemed to revolt against my sense. I understand that she is not such a girl as she seems, but my heart demands so that I should be with her and my soul agrees with it. But to do it I must change and I cannot do it. Tell me, please, what can I do in this situation?
ANSWER OF TAYANA Soul, sense: you use such important categories for a more figurative description of your self-admiration…

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