QUESTION How do you think, is it bad to love two men? The matter is that I married and I love my husband. But my love to another person to the man whom I left, you see, is nothing done, and there is no use in trying to convince myself, that it is superfluous in my life. This feeling arises from nowhere when it seems: « Well it’s likely passed, has released and thanks God ». What should I do and whether it is necessary to do with something it?

ANSWER OF TAYANA The way to understanding of love is thorny. But, to reach the top of this wonderful mountain, it is necessary to investigate the object from its different parts. And during the movement of immersion in the nature of the question there is a development and change of your attitude to it. For example, N.Gumilev’s writes about his experience:

I did not live, I lived wearsome
Half of terrestrial life,
And, the God, so you has come to me 
As such impossible dream.I see the light on Favor Mountain 
And I grieve madly,
That I fell in love both the land and the sea,
All dense dream of life;What is my young force?
Has not reconciled with Yours,
That made my heart so wearsome
Beauty of Your daughters.But is love a scarlet flower,
That to live only for instant,
But is love a small flame,
That it is easy for extinguishing?With this silent and sad thought
Somehow I shall live,
And about the future You think,
I have already ruined one.If you wish to understand yourselves, the desires, aspirations you will not escape from love. It gives you vital force, helps to feel your presence here, to be vigilant that in the end realize yourself. Owing to such coincidence of circumstances you have an opportunity to become a mature woman. Experienced pleasure and bitterness of human love, shown your worth in possible you should aspire to impossible which is inaccessible for human mind. It is an eternal secret of the nature of love which is presented in our life, the secret which many outstanding representatives such as poets, writers, philosophers, religious figures, mysticism of the time try to understand during centuries.

Of course the poetic language is closer to the expression of the theme of love.
Since olden days I live on earth
Which is the source of flour and glad.
Good and bad in me,
Are just like heat and cold in me.
I destroy the cities of the Universe 
I give the peace to the Universe!
I take the life from many people,
Though all on earth breathes from me.
I move the whole by myself,
Harmony lives in me.
I often hate my mind,
But I give the light to one.
I am pleasure and misfortunes mortal people
I live for one thing.
I revolt many passions;
I am both everything and nothing.
But I am the riddle of the world,
The reader, guess me
Look on the staff and on porphyra,
And guess what I mean.
(A.B.Murzina. “The riddle”)

The life is also the riddle. To live in love is the main thing for human. And if there is something beyond understanding, there is a feeling of guilt. It will be until you investigate the reason of your alarm and melancholy. The person who does not know love will accept each slightest attachment for it. He loves children, husband or the wife, parents, house, property because it is all his property, all this has the certain attitude to him. These things are their own. And the presence of them gives him pleasure, allows him to feel his own importance.

If the subject of property ceased to correspond the requirements it can be rejected. It occurs owing to a number of errors where everyone previous entails the following.

Do you love those men? Probably, yes. But, if it brings you suffering, it means, initially something wrong is made. And this «wrong» is obvious but not for you. It is more similar to the feeling of loss of some property and you don’t have any more authority on it as once you refused the responsibility for yourself. But you want to return lost. And you do not know how.

It is possible to love two and ten and all men. But it can do a happy person. Only the happy one can help another person to go through the feeling of happiness. And do you think you are happy? Or you simply still do not want to leave your thing thinking: «Perhaps it will be useful»?

18 September 2001, Просмотров: 15