QUESTION Please, help me to find my way. I cannot find understanding and feel loneliness with my skin. I know, I must attempt something, must not think about my suppression persistently tell me: you are on a wrong way. Apathy grips my soul and body, my thoughts are in a wager. How can I feel my own way in life?

ANSWER OF TAYANA Loneliness… Life is a way itself. It is given us to choose the direction. It is a divine award and it is up to you how you wreath a thread…
People are afraid of staying alone. Loneliness scares. Is it better to live by a crowd? It deprives people of their own personality. Nobody will feel responsibility for what is going on.
Let yourself be different. If you need seclusion, make that conditions for it, indulge this state. Ask your relatives not to bother you for a while. If unique communication – communicate then.

Unsatisfaction and self-suppression come often as a result of unrealization, doubt and sorrows about the lost time. Your sadness is a feeling of the nature of Loneliness.Inner proud is very often the main cause of pretensions towards the world. But you are not h3 enough to confront the crowd. As a result your inner rage shows up as an emotional instability.

Though a deep feeling of suffering lets your consciousness make a forward rush. With stagnancy, ambitions, and pretensions overcome, and your will developed, you will see unnecessarity of leading a mopish and detached life.When you cognize one thing, you will have pass another trial. You must learn to accept a current of love and care from people around you.

Do not try to find excuses at the hardest moments. Keep yourself for yourself, keenly realize all the responsibility for any decision made by you.

Never be afraid of your covered desires. It is you who created them, they exist and live deep in your consciousness. Let them go.

You have not much time to seat and wait with your hands folded and ask yourself: “What should I do?”. Appreciate the life giving to your high, experiment.

There is always a place for doubting. It is quite common. Listen to other people advice. But it is only you who is to make a choice, otherwise your sufferings last long a time.

Do not you want the world to accept you as such. But do you always accept the world, you live in?

30 August 2004, Просмотров: 52