Hi, my dear friend Dmitriy!

From the date of your anniversary it has not passed a month, and the main words have the right to be stated just now though they were born during my stay in Delhi. It often happens that the person is not ready to perception and understanding of something very important for him in life. It does not have a shred of human time to pass a side separating the mature person from dozing soul.

What is the most dangerous for human essence? To remain in ignorance and to continue to feed the ignorance. This is one of the main harms pursuing mankind more than one millennium. And it is more complex for overcoming, rather than hatred (anger) and thirst (envy). You understand both the first, and the second. Feelings received the development, and owing to it there was an opportunity of their expression outside. But I want to warn in hope to be heard: ” The person beholding objects of feelings, there is an attachment to them, and from attachment there is a desire, from desire – anger, for anger – error, and from error – loss of memory. Because of loss of memory the mind is lost and when the mind vanishes the essence degrades up to the lowest forms of life “. So it is spoken in Bhagavat-gita, but the given theme can be met and in other religious sources and spiritual messages.

The best medicine for sensual pleasures is an ascetics. The control of feelings can help to be released from attachments and antipathy which disseminate concentration. The overabundance of desires leads to anxiety of mind and absence of tranquility. Now that period when you again, as well as in thirty years, at ” the Crossroads of Seven Roads ” and destiny gives chance not to make silly actions and not to appear at deadlock. Avoid errors. And I wish you reasonable confidence of your forces. Study to distinguish, who is who. When it will be difficult, come back to our conversation – clearing in consciousness will come more quickly. Be yourself. Do not dissemble and do not serve. You spoke about heroic persons of your ancient family. Let the prophecy expressed in words of Svaroga and addressed to Orej passes you: ” And you will be great people, and you win all world, and will crush clans of others which take the forces from a stone and make wonders – vehicles without horses…

And then any of you will go as the magician and livelihood for soldiers will be created by means of paternosters.

But soldiers will become slaves to verbosity and from many those words you will lose courage, and become slaves of tribute and gold coins, and for coins you will want to be sold to enemies “.

If you will avoid it and Russia will have an opportunity to prompt recover.

10 October 2008, Просмотров: 49