Hello, Tayana!
Thank you for the answer and for parables. 3 months passed from the moment of reception of the letter, and something stirs to answer, though mentally I communicate with you every day. And may be, these are problems ” with head “?
It is difficult to formulate any basic, main question, in fact mind constantly touches different themes (at work about work, at home about house, about family attitudes, etc.), but precisely I know that it is necessary to write. And just only to say thanks. In fact above these thoughts there is one main idea – that it is all vanity and it is only important to realize yourself, your ideas, words, actions.
Thank you, Tayana, wish you happiness and love!

Hello, dear Victor.
The relativity of presence of time on the human plan is successfully noticed by you. Today we are and tomorrow… And tomorrow will be tomorrow but at the conditions that there will be we.
And head is no matter here. These are movements of your soul. Dialogue which you speak about is mutual. While you are, you not lose sensibleness; I also live in you, in joy for all your achievements on different plans of Life. But especially in the spiritual plan. And in this mystery of love we create, we create special mutual relations which can exemplify to mankind. To what it always aspired and that remained unsubdued top. Peace force of creation of architects in the field of human soul.

On the physical plan magnificent samples of buildings: institutes, palaces, temples are known. With what love and awe they are erected in different corners of our planet! Styles vary, but the attitude does not vary. Such special places of expression of creative opportunities of mankind become places of pilgrimage of many people looking for. What and whom they search, very few people really knows. But one unites them: aspiration to divine love, to its majestic beauty. But all this only shy attempts of desire to express the awe before unknown.

And for the most advanced in the sphere of search the main destination is the person, the person-temple, a temple with an inner sanctum, with its soul. And, probably, it is already operating temple, the soul has woken up and is ready to action. It is more complex, when it sleeps, and it is necessary to make a lot of work and patience to prepare it for transition in new conditions of existence. And this is not the end of the work of architects of soul.

Deeply inside of your soul, dear Victor, lives fear. It is not the fear which usual people speak about. It is the fear of truly religious person with pure conscience and brave heart. Only such conditions cause in it fears of loss of love of Divine. The understanding of that sweet is replaced by bitterness. And this bitterness arises from fear before darkness, from unwillingness to darken or stay in darkness.

Even if you had not time to see Its Light, you got an intuitive feeling of presence of this Light. And in fear to be left by God you work much and hard. The fact how it happens is not so important, it is more valuable that you aspire. There was an appeal, you heard it, and having heard, made the response. And this is the main thing.

For the Universe great pleasure, that we met. And this holiday can last all life.
Each of us is called for a sacred life. And in case of constant sensibleness all our daily business are penetrated by it. Similar happens seldom. And it is natural. And the world from this contact becomes lighter and more beautiful.

For many gathering were too tightened. ” The marriage feast is ready. And newly married are not ready “. There is grief in these words. But everyone has the right of choice. And the kind is not captivating for all. The person can see the direction, go to the way, have time to reach, but not to have time to become virtuous, not to be in time taste its Love.

And nevertheless there will be a light grief from the lost opportunity of opening to something especial, hitherto unknown, other-worldly and excitedly-mysterious.
E.A.Baratynsky has the magnificent lines which personified an image of enamoured, loved and love. Three in one: that one who is, who knows and who unites everything that moves them. The love wrote these religious verses, and it is not important, when and whom they are devoted. 
These lines have deeply got into the theme of love.

There is something in her, that it is finer than beauty,
That speaks not with feelings – with soul;
There is something in it above heart more autocratically
Than terrestrial love and terrestrial charm.

As sweet remind of soul,
As lovely light of your star,
Some charm attracts 
To her legs and under protection of her.

When you with her, your dreams are not clear
She is your Lord:
And you think – and only fine
Presence your soul is full.

Whether you go the way returnable.
Left her, in desert is your corner-
You are full with great dream.
You are full with mysterious melancholy. (“She”, 1826)

These are approximately of looking for unearthly love. Search can long last, but is important not to lose the attention and vigilance. At any moment we can appear before it, but there is a probability to pass by and not to learn its face.

With wishes of happy stay in love. Let it gives you force and confidence of cleanliness and prudence of your thoughts and affairs. LET IT BE PROFIT TO ALL.

Yours faithfully TO.

07 January 2009, Просмотров: 63