QUESTION Thanks you. Your words bring rest and pleasure to me.
I have a question to you: how is to learn to love oneself? If since the childhood got used and learnt that to love myself is not necessary, even it is bad… If you simply do not know, how is it to love yourself?

ANSWER OF TAYANA Yes, it is not simple to love itself. People around always say: « What are you doing? Look, how do you look like! You are not like people! »… And such censures receive the child in unlimited quantity since the early childhood. Parents think that other people always have something better, that’s why they want to catch up with all and to succeed. Frequent the child becomes the tool in this race. Sometimes even educator and teachers, competing with each other and trying to prove the professional superiority forget that there are alive and unique creations near them who trustfully and patiently look at them with the eyes of God. But in this vanity the main thing – life goes away. That’s why the main goal for the person is the development of attentiveness and sensibleness. In the realized condition you hardly will have a desire to humiliate, offend another person or to leave his request for help. Each minute of his time will be important and valuable for the person in such situation and any situation will appear under the control of his mind.

So, step by step, there is a movement from a unconsciousness to sensibleness. Rest and pleasure are reached not with the help suggestion or autohypnosis but thanks to understanding.

It is told in one parable about the fool who once saw a camel and asked it:

– Why do you have such ugly humpbacked body?

– The opinion is born from an estimation, – answered the camel. – You treat wrongly the fact that created me so. Do you understand it? Do not consider my hump as a lack. Go away while you are still in one piece. I am created so for the certain reason and for the definite purpose. The bow should be bent; a bowstring should be a straight line.

You are fool! Asinine perception is from asinine nature.

The human life is short and limited by the birth and death. And there is a stream of causally-connected processes of existence in these borders that is a continuous process of consciousness. There is a transition to the new form of a life in every moment during each moment something dies and becomes past and something new is born. As we consider a special case your consciousness should change and overcome its rhythm and any new aspect or new world can become yours.

Creatures of higher levels possess less differentiated (less “I”-expressed) consciousness. Hence, to speak about love to myself is not necessary for them. It is easy for them to perceive the reality correctly. Another’s estimations and doubtful advice cannot lead them from the condition of sensibleness.

The problem in that simple people can mistake concerning the sense of expression « to love yourself ». Often it means the feeling of pity to yourself, egoism, self-interest, discontent with yourself or on the contrary- excessive narcissism.

Here there is another question. You should only change the attitude to yourself. There was another approach which was nocuous for you. It transformed your life into a dreadful dream. It is possible do not reach awakening in this dream.

I try to bring you to understanding that “I” am not constant and permanent. Your characteristic features are your past. Accept it. Make critical analysis. You should not be attached to the individual world (the world of your feelings). Choose the rhythm which corresponds to the rhythm of your mind. Homo sapiens should aspire to transformation of life in that high harmony where there are no envy, hate and ignorance. In any world religion big attention is given to self-improvement of the person. «Do not judge with hate but with love». You will find such lines in the Bible. If you learn to understand and respect yourself then also relations with others will be pleasant for you instead of problem.

«Forgive them, God, for they do not know what they do». Sometimes adults do not know what they want from the child and made educational doings without knowing the matter, only say: «Who knew, that it will be so? In fact we wanted as better». Study, if you do not have enough knowledge, do not resist the fact that another is wiser and more skilled than you. Search for truly religious people. They can give you a hand of help in the minutes of weakness and show you the right direction.

13 June 2006, Просмотров: 63