Tag: Ответственность

Sometimes we do not place on site(www.sunhome.ru) some verses Authors are revolted: ” How is it?! I told what I wanted to tell. I have the right “.
Unfortunately, these are people who have no concept about freedom. They automatically angrily react to those things which mismatch to principles which grown them up.
And their principles are very convenient; in fact it is not necessary to bear the responsibility for what is told.
The same can be transferred differently. It is possible to replace a word with a synonym, and the majority of people will not notice, that they were cheated. Mind of some poets, writers, scientists, teachers is capable for some cunning……
Люди всегда в трудную минуту стараются найти себе всякого рода оправдания. В своих сомнениях уповают на Господа.
Да. Он любит всех. И нет у Него выбора. Выбор делают люди между Ним и себе подобными. И всему этому есть объяснения.
Мир людей заманчив своими возможностями. Даже боги из рая приходят в этот мир для осуществления своей эволюции.
Перед нами в жизни встает много испытаний. Но чаще всего люди, проявляя слабость перед ними, стараются интерпретировать их в свою пользу, так как им хочется видеть исход ситуации, оправдать свои поступки. И здесь я мало, чем могу помочь, потому что учу тому, как не быть занятым собой.
В семье трое маленьких детей, но чужое счастье всегда яв…

QUESTION Is love our life’s purpose?
ANSWER OF TAYANA Your question is wrong. And wrong questions can get only incorrect answers. Therefore, to answer a wrong question means to be involved in a lie.
The person who is asking the question has demonstrated that s/he lacks consciousness, and therefore – responsibility for her/his actions. No responsibility – no person to ask the question.
‘We’, ‘us’, and other wording of this kind is wrong from the beginning. Who are we talking about? Me or you?
It often happens so: when you try to help yourself, you begin interfering with other people’s lives. It flatters your ego.
There are notions of ‘crowd’ and ‘personality’ in any society. Are you aski…

QUESTION A young girl says that she has been practicing Hatha-yoga for a long time but nowadays there have been appeared women’s Dao techniques. What will you recommend?
ANSWER OF TAYANA There are no recommendations here.
It is your right to choose.
Consequently, you bear the responsibility for it yourself. The only remark is what is the aim of aspiring for these trends?
But, please, don’t try to hide behind beautiful phrases: self-development, self-perfection, self-realization, etc.
Do can you see that I know your real aim?
And do you know it?

QUESTION You answer the questions, Why don’t you take up writing?
ANSWER OF TAYANA It is not necessary. Experiences are very individual, intimate somebody is sure to take interest in this, but he can’t get experience.
Nowadays many people go in for reading detective novels and romances, poetry. But their life remains boring, with no experiences.
They haven’t lived yet because they are afraid of everything and not able to take responsibility, when it is necessary. So the life passes. Somebody has got frightened by something, got used to something and got attached to something. It is a pity to love, and sooner not the object of attachment, but the possibility for pleasured that gradually t…